
Yeon-Jung Kim

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10EEKyung-Yul Cheon, Mijeong Yang, Aesoon Park, Yeon-Jung Kim, Younghwan Choi, Sang-Ha Kim: Dual Tunnelling Mechanism for Mobile IP Based 3G LTE-WLAN Handover. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
9EEJae-Woo Chang, Yeon-Jung Kim: XML Document Retrieval System Based on Document Structure and Image Content for Digital Museum. APWeb Workshops 2006: 107-111
8EEJae-Woo Chang, Yeon-Jung Kim: XML Document Retrieval for Digital Museum. ICADL 2005: 463-464
7EEJae-Woo Chang, Yeon-Jung Kim: Spatial-Match Iconic Image Retrieval with Ranking in Multimedia Databases. WAIM 2001: 3-13
6 Jae-Woo Chang, Yeon-Jung Kim: Spatial-match Iconic Image Representation Schemes Supporting Ranking for Indexing and Querying in Visual Databases. ADBIS-DASFAA Symposium 2000: 68-77
5 Jae-Woo Chang, Yeon-Jung Kim, Ki-Sung Jin: Spatial Match Representation and Retrieval for Supporting Ranking in Iconic Image Databases. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I) 2000: 315-318
4EEYeon-Jung Kim, Choon-Bo Shim, Jae-Woo Chang: Spatial Match Representation Scheme Supporting Ranking in Iconic Images Databases. CIKM 1999: 450-457
3EEYeon-Jung Kim, Jae-Woo Chang: SR Scheme: Spatial-match Iconic Image Representation. IDEAS 1999: 98-102
2 Jae-Woo Chang, Yeon-Jung Kim, Young Ju Hwang: Three-Dimensional Spatial Match Representation and Retrieval for Iconic Image Databases. IADT 1998: 336-343
1EEJae-Woo Chang, Yeon-Jung Kim, Ki-Jin Chang: A Spatial Match Representation Scheme for Indexing and Querying in Iconic Image Databases. CIKM 1997: 169-176

Coauthor Index

1Jae-Woo Chang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
2Ki-Jin Chang [1]
3Kyung-Yul Cheon [10]
4Younghwan Choi [10]
5Young Ju Hwang [2]
6Ki-Sung Jin [5]
7Sang-Ha Kim [10]
8Aesoon Park [10]
9Choon-Bo Shim [4]
10Mijeong Yang [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)