
Woo Tae Kim

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3EERajah James, Woo Tae Kim, Aleecia M. McDonald, Robert McGuire: A usability evaluation of a home monitoring system. SOUPS 2007: 143-144
2EESeog Kun Yu, Woo Tae Kim, Eon Kyeong Joo: Optimum Signal Detector in Non-white Noise. ICN/ICONS/MCL 2006: 152
1EEWoo Tae Kim, Se H. Kang, Eon Kyeong Joo: Performance Improvement of Turbo Code Based on the Extrinsic Information Transition Characteristics. IMA Int. Conf. 2005: 47-58

Coauthor Index

1Rajah James [3]
2Eon Kyeong Joo [1] [2]
3Se H. Kang [1]
4Aleecia M. McDonald [3]
5Robert McGuire [3]
6Seog Kun Yu [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)