
Won Hee Kim

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5EEWon Jay Song, Won Hee Kim, Byung-Ha Ahn, Bo Gwan Kim, Mun Kee Choi: Double EIM and Scalar BPM Analyses of Birefringence and Wavelength Shift for TE and TM Polarized Fields in Bent Planar Lightwave Circuits. ICOIN 2003: 96-107
4EEWon Jay Song, Sun Jin Kim, Won Hee Kim, Byung-Ha Ahn, Mun Kee Choi, Bo Gwan Kim: Power Control and Evolutionary Computation in CDMA Cellular Radio Networks. IDEAL 2003: 353-360
3EEWon Jay Song, Won Hee Kim, Bo Gwan Kim, Byung-Ha Ahn, Mun Kee Choi, Minho Kang: Conditional Access Module Systems for Digital Contents Protection Based on Hybrid/Fiber/Coax CATV Networks. ISCIS 2003: 155-162
2EEWon Jay Song, Won Hee Kim, Bo Gwan Kim, Byung-Ha Ahn, Mun Kee Choi, Minho Kang: Smart Card Terminal Systems Using ISO/IEC 7816-3 Interface and 8051 Microprocessor Based on the System-on-Chip. ISCIS 2003: 364-371
1EEWon Jay Song, Byung-Ha Ahn, Won Hee Kim: Healthcare Information Systems Using Digital Signature and Synchronized Smart Cards via the Internet. ITCC 2002: 177-182

Coauthor Index

1Byung-Ha Ahn [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Mun Kee Choi [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Minho Kang [2] [3]
4Bo Gwan Kim [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Sun Jin Kim [4]
6Won Jay Song [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)