
Sung Ki Kim

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5EESung Ki Kim, Byoung-Joon Min: Inter-domain Security Management to Protect Legitimate User Access from DDoS Attacks. ICCSA (2) 2006: 876-884
4EESung Ki Kim, Byoung-Joon Min, Jin Chul Jung, Seung Hwan Yoo: Cooperative Security Management Enhancing Survivability Against DDoS Attacks. ICCSA (1) 2005: 252-260
3EEByoung-Joon Min, Sung Ki Kim, Chaetae Im: Committing Secure Results with Replicated Servers. ICCSA (1) 2004: 246-253
2 Byoung-Joon Min, Sung Ki Kim: A Replicated Server Architecture Supporting Survivable Services. PDPTA 2003: 1761-1766
1EEByoung-Joon Min, Sung Ki Kim, Joong-Sup Choi: Secure System Architecture Based on Dynamic Resource Reallocation. WISA 2003: 174-187

Coauthor Index

1Joong-Sup Choi [1]
2Chaetae Im [3]
3Jin Chul Jung [4]
4Byoung-Joon Min [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Seung Hwan Yoo [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)