
Sung-ye Kim

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3 BonKi Koo, HaeDong Kim, Sung-ye Kim, Jae-Chul Kim, Byoung-Tae Choi, DongHoon Kim: Design and Implementation of Networked Virtual Reality System. CISST 2003: 348-351
2EESung-ye Kim, Byoung-Tae Choi: High Dynamic Range Image Texture Mapping Based on VRML. ICCSA (3) 2003: 488-497
1EESehyun Kim, Sung-ye Kim, Kyung-hyun Yoon: A Study on the Ray-Tracing Acceleration Technique Based on the ZF-Buffer Algorithm. IV 2000: 393-

Coauthor Index

1Byoung-Tae Choi [2] [3]
2DongHoon Kim [3]
3HaeDong Kim [3]
4Jae-Chul Kim [3]
5Sehyun Kim [1]
6BonKi Koo [3]
7Kyung-hyun Yoon [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)