
Seung-Yeon Kim

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7EEJinwoo Lee, Keehyoung Joo, Seung-Yeon Kim, Jooyoung Lee: Re-examination of structure optimization of off-lattice protein AB models by conformational space annealing. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(14): 2479-2484 (2008)
6EESeung-Yeon Kim, Se-Jin Kim, Ki-Jong Lee, Yi-Chul Kang, Hyong-Woo Lee, Choong-Ho Cho: Packet Interference and Aggregated Throughput of Bluetooth Piconets in a Ubiquitous Network. ICESS 2007: 800-809
5EESeung-Yeon Kim, Jaehyun Sim, Julian Lee: Fuzzy k-Nearest Neighbor Method for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction and Its Parallel Implementation. ICIC (3) 2006: 444-453
4EESeung-Yeon Kim, Julian Lee: Double Optimization for Design of Protein Energy Function. ICIC (3) 2006: 562-570
3EEHyeon S. Son, Seung-Yeon Kim, Jooyoung Lee, Kyu-Kwang Han: Application of the multiensemble sampling to the equilibrium folding of proteins. Bioinformatics 22(15): 1832-1837 (2006)
2EEJaehyun Sim, Seung-Yeon Kim, Julian Lee: Prediction of protein solvent accessibility using fuzzy k-nearest neighbor method. Bioinformatics 21(12): 2844-2849 (2005)
1EEKyoungrim Lee, Cezary Czaplewski, Seung-Yeon Kim, Jooyoung Lee: An efficient molecular docking using conformational space annealing. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(1): 78-87 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Choong-Ho Cho [6]
2Cezary Czaplewski [1]
3Kyu-Kwang Han [3]
4Keehyoung Joo [7]
5Yi-Chul Kang [6]
6Se-Jin Kim [6]
7Hyong-Woo Lee [6]
8Jinwoo Lee [7]
9Jooyoung Lee [1] [3] [7]
10Julian Lee [2] [4] [5]
11Ki-Jong Lee [6]
12Kyoungrim Lee [1]
13Jaehyun Sim [2] [5]
14Hyeon S. Son [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)