
Sangchoon Kim

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8EESangchoon Kim, Kyoungsoo Son, Bongsoon Kang: An ML Timing Estimator in UWB Communication Systems. IEICE Transactions 91-B(1): 339-342 (2008)
7EESangchoon Kim, Jinyoung An: On the Performance of Code Acquisition in MIMO CDMA Systems. IEICE Transactions 91-B(2): 628-632 (2008)
6EESunyoung Baek, Jinyoung An, Sungsin Lee, Sangchoon Kim: Error Performance Analysis of Multi-User Binary PAM TH UWB Systems with Multiple Receive Antennas. FGCN (2) 2007: 492-495
5EEHyeokchan Kwon, Sangchoon Kim, Jaehoon Nah, Jongsoo Jang: Public Key Management Framework for Two-tier Super Peer Architecture. ICDCS Workshops 2007: 72
4EESangchoon Kim, Younggoo Kwon, Bongsoon Kang: Performance Analysis of Downlink Beamforming in FDD DS-CDMA Systems. IEICE Transactions 90-B(4): 1007-1011 (2007)
3EESangchoon Kim: Approximate Maximum Likelihood Approach for Code Acquisition in DS-CDMA Systems with Multiple Antennas. IEICE Transactions 88-B(3): 1054-1065 (2005)
2EEHyeok Chan Kwon, Sangchoon Kim, Jaehoon Nah, Sung Won Sohn: An automatic security test engine for IPv6 network. IJWMC 1(1): 61-69 (2005)
1 Changho Seo, Sangjin Lee, Yeoulouk Sung, Keunhee Han, Sangchoon Kim: A lower bound on the linear span of an FCSR. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(2): 691-693 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Jinyoung An [6] [7]
2Sunyoung Baek [6]
3Keunhee Han [1]
4Jongsoo Jang [5]
5Bongsoon Kang [4] [8]
6Hyeok Chan Kwon [2]
7Hyeokchan Kwon [5]
8Younggoo Kwon [4]
9Sangjin Lee [1]
10Sungsin Lee [6]
11Jaehoon Nah [2] [5]
12Changho Seo [1]
13Sung Won Sohn [2]
14Kyoungsoo Son [8]
15Yeoulouk Sung [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)