
Saejoon Kim

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7EEChulmin Yun, Donghyuk Shin, Hyunsung Jo, Jihoon Yang, Saejoon Kim: An Experimental Study on Feature Subset Selection Methods. CIT 2007: 77-82
6EESaejoon Kim: A Graph-Theoretic Classification of Gene Expression Microarray Data of Cancer. FBIT 2007: 179-182
5EESunku Kang, Byungwoo Lee, Jihoon Yang, Seonho Kim, Saejoon Kim: Simulating Biological Pathways with a Continuous Petri Net Using Runge-Kutta Methods. FBIT 2007: 26-31
4EESaejoon Kim, Sejong Yoon, Donghyuk Shin: Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Cross-Institutional Mammograms Using Support Vector Machines with Feature Elimination. FBIT 2007: 396-402
3EESaejoon Kim, Donghyuk Shin: Classification of Normal and Tumor Tissues Using Geometric Representation of Gene Expression Microarray Data. MDAI 2007: 393-402
2EESaejoon Kim: Turbo Decoding as an Instance of Expectation Maximization Algorithm. ICONIP (1) 2006: 371-378
1 Saejoon Kim: Protein ß-turn prediction using nearest-neighbor method. Bioinformatics 20(1): 40-44 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Hyunsung Jo [7]
2Sunku Kang [5]
3Seonho Kim [5]
4Byungwoo Lee [5]
5Donghyuk Shin [3] [4] [7]
6Jihoon Yang [5] [7]
7Sejong Yoon [4]
8Chulmin Yun [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)