
Pyeoung Kee Kim

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5EEHang Joon Kim, Pyeoung Kee Kim: Recognition of off-line handwritten Korean characters. Pattern Recognition 29(2): 245-254 (1996)
4EEHang Joon Kim, Pyeoung Kee Kim: On-line recognition of cursive Korean characters using a set of extended primitive strokes and fuzzy functions. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(1): 19-28 (1996)
3EEPyeoung Kee Kim, Hang Joon Kim: On-line recognition of run-on Korean characters. ICDAR 1995: 54-
2 Eun Ryung Lee, Pyeoung Kee Kim, Hang Joon Kim: Automatic Recognition of a Car License Plate using Color Image Processing. ICIP (2) 1994: 301-305
1EEPyeoung Kee Kim, Hang Joon Kim: Off-line handwritten Korean character recognition based on stroke extraction and representation. Pattern Recognition Letters 15(12): 1245-1253 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Hang Joon Kim [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Eun Ryung Lee [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)