
Jung J. Kim

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4 Jung J. Kim, Kevin Benner: An Experience Using Design Patterns: Lessons Learned and Tool Support. TAPOS 2(1): 61-74 (1996)
3 Ghassan Z. Qadah, Jung J. Kim: The processing of a class of transitive-closure queries on uniprocessor and shared-nothing multiprocessor systems. Data Knowl. Eng. 8: 57-89 (1992)
2EEGhassan Z. Qadah, Lawrence J. Henschen, Jung J. Kim: Efficient Algorithms for the Instantiated Transitive Closure Queries. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(3): 296-309 (1991)
1 Ghassan Z. Qadah, Jung J. Kim: Distributed Processing of the Transitive-Closure Queries. ICPP (3) 1990: 356-357

Coauthor Index

1Kevin Benner [4]
2Lawrence J. Henschen [2]
3Ghassan Z. Qadah [1] [2] [3]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)