
Jai Wug Kim

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5EEJai Wug Kim, Jongpil Lee, Heon Young Yeom: Experimental Assessment of the Practicality of a Fault-Tolerant System. SOFSEM (1) 2007: 878-887
4EEXiaoLi Zhou, Eunsung Kim, Jai Wug Kim, Heon Young Yeom: ReCon: A Fast and Reliable Replica Retrieval Service for the Data Grid. CCGRID 2006: 446-453
3EEHyuck Han, Hyungsoo Jung, Jai Wug Kim, Jongpil Lee, Youngjin Yu, Shin Gyu Kim, Heon Young Yeom: SHIELD: A Fault-Tolerant MPI for an Infiniband Cluster. HPCC 2006: 874-883
2EEHyuck Han, Jai Wug Kim, Jongpil Lee, Youngjin Yu, Kiyoung Kim, Heon Young Yeom: Practical Fault-Tolerant Framework for eScience Infrastructure. e-Science 2006: 57
1EEHyungsoo Jung, Dongin Shin, Hyuck Han, Jai Wug Kim, Heon Young Yeom, Jongsuk Lee: Design and Implementation of Multiple Fault-Tolerant MPI over Myrinet (M^3). SC 2005: 32

Coauthor Index

1Hyuck Han [1] [2] [3]
2Hyungsoo Jung [1] [3]
3Eunsung Kim [4]
4Kiyoung Kim [2]
5Shin Gyu Kim [3]
6Jongpil Lee [2] [3] [5]
7Jongsuk Lee [1]
8Dongin Shin [1]
9Heon Young Yeom [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
10Youngjin Yu [2] [3]
11XiaoLi Zhou [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)