
In Kwon Kim

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6EEIn Kwon Kim, Dong-Wook Jung, Rae-Hong Park: Document image binarization based on topographic analysis using a water flow model. Pattern Recognition 35(1): 265-277 (2002)
5EEDong-Gyu Sim, Young Kug Ham, In Kwon Kim, Rae-Hong Park: Analysis of Mixed Korean Documents Using the Branch and Bound Algorithm Based on DP Matching. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 71(3): 373-384 (1998)
4EEIn Kwon Kim, Rae-Hong Park: Still image coding based on vector quantization and fractal approximation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(4): 587-597 (1996)
3 In Kwon Kim, Rae-Hong Park: Image Coding Based on Fractal Approximation and Vector Quantization. ICIP (3) 1994: 132-136
2EEChang Bum Lee, Dong-Gyu Sim, In Kwon Kim, Young Kug Ham, Rae-Hong Park: Analysis System of Mixed Documents Consisting of Handwritten Korean/Alphanumeric Texts and Graphic Images. MVA 1994: 451-454
1EEYoung Kug Ham, Hong Kyu Chung, In Kwon Kim, Rae-Hong Park, Chang Bum Lee, Sang Joong Kim, Byeong Nam Yoon: Hierarchical Recognition of Mixed Documents Consisting of the Korean/Alphanumeric Texts and Graphic Images. MVA 1992: 287-290

Coauthor Index

1Hong Kyu Chung [1]
2Young Kug Ham [1] [2] [5]
3Dong-Wook Jung [6]
4Sang Joong Kim [1]
5Chang Bum Lee [1] [2]
6Rae-Hong Park [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
7Dong-Gyu Sim [2] [5]
8Byeong Nam Yoon [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)