
Eun-Jin Kim

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3EESe-Hak Chun, Jhung-Soo Hong, Ji-Ho Joo, Eun-Jin Kim, Min-Young Kim, Jae-Cheol Kim: A strategic analysis of internet contents market in electronic commerce. ECIS 2003
2EETae-Chang Jee, Eun-Jin Kim, Yillbyung Lee: Error Correction of Korean Courtesy Amounts in Bank Slips using Rule Information and cross-referencing. ICDAR 1999: 95-98
1EEEun-Jin Kim, Yillbyung Lee: Handwritten Hangul recognition using a modified neocognitron. Neural Networks 4(6): 743-750 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Se-Hak Chun [3]
2Jhung-Soo Hong [3]
3Tae-Chang Jee [2]
4Ji-Ho Joo [3]
5Jae-Cheol Kim [3]
6Min-Young Kim [3]
7Yillbyung Lee [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)