
Donguk Kim

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32EEDonguk Kim, Changhee Lee, Youngsong Cho, Deok-Soo Kim: Manifoldization of pi-Shapes by Topology Operators. GMP 2008: 505-511
31EEDeok-Soo Kim, Jeongyeon Seo, Donguk Kim, Youngsong Cho, Joonghyun Ryu: The beta-Shape and beta-Complex for Analysis of Molecular Structures. Generalized Voronoi Diagram 2008: 47-66
30EEChanghee Lee, Donguk Kim, Hayong Shin, Deok-Soo Kim: Trash removal algorithm for fast construction of the elliptic Gabriel graph using Delaunay triangulation. Computer-Aided Design 40(8): 852-862 (2008)
29EEDeok-Soo Kim, Bohyung Lee, Chung In Won, Donguk Kim, Joonghyun Ryu, Youngsong Cho, Chong-Min Kim, Sunghoon Lee, Jonghwa Bhak: Multi-Resolution Protein Model. ICCSA (2) 2007: 639-652
28EEJeongyeon Seo, Youngsong Cho, Donguk Kim, Deok-Soo Kim: An efficient algorithm for three-dimensional beta-complex and beta-shape via a quasi-triangulation. Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling 2007: 323-328
27EEJeongyeon Seo, Donguk Kim, Cheol-Hyung Cho, Deok-Soo Kim: A beta-Shape from the Voronoi Diagram of Atoms for Protein Structure Analysis. ICCSA (1) 2006: 101-110
26EEYoungsong Cho, Donguk Kim, Hyun-Chan Lee, Joon Young Park, Deok-Soo Kim: Reduction of the Search Space in the Edge-Tracing Algorithm for the Voronoi Diagram of 3D Balls. ICCSA (1) 2006: 111-120
25EEChanghee Lee, Donguk Kim, Hayong Shin, Deok-Soo Kim: Efficient Computation of Elliptic Gabriel Graph. ICCSA (1) 2006: 440-448
24EEDonguk Kim, Deok-Soo Kim, Kokichi Sugihara: Apollonius tenth problem via radius adjustment and Möbius transformations. Computer-Aided Design 38(1): 14-21 (2006)
23EEDeok-Soo Kim, Jeongyeon Seo, Donguk Kim, Joonghyun Ryu, Cheol-Hyung Cho: Three-dimensional beta shapes. Computer-Aided Design 38(11): 1179-1191 (2006)
22EEChong-Min Kim, Chung In Won, Youngsong Cho, Donguk Kim, Sunghoon Lee, Jonghwa Bhak, Deok-Soo Kim: Interaction interfaces in proteins via the Voronoi diagram of atoms. Computer-Aided Design 38(11): 1192-1204 (2006)
21EELi Jin, Donguk Kim, Lisen Mu, Deok-Soo Kim, Shi-Min Hu: A sweepline algorithm for Euclidean Voronoi diagram of circles. Computer-Aided Design 38(3): 260-272 (2006)
20EEDonguk Kim, Deok-Soo Kim: Region-expansion for the Voronoi diagram of 3D spheres. Computer-Aided Design 38(5): 417-430 (2006)
19EEDeok-Soo Kim, Cheol-Hyung Cho, Donguk Kim, Youngsong Cho: Recognition of docking sites on a protein using beta-shape based on Voronoi diagram of atoms. Computer-Aided Design 38(5): 431-443 (2006)
18EEDeok-Soo Kim, Donguk Kim, Youngsong Cho, Kokichi Sugihara: Quasi-triangulation and interworld data structure in three dimensions. Computer-Aided Design 38(7): 808-819 (2006)
17EEDeok-Soo Kim, Cheol-Hyung Cho, Youngsong Cho, Chung In Won, Donguk Kim: Pocket Recognition on a Protein Using Euclidean Voronoi Diagram of Atoms. ICCSA (1) 2005: 707-715
16EEDonguk Kim, Youngsong Cho, Deok-Soo Kim: Region Expansion by Flipping Edges for Euclidean Voronoi Diagrams of 3D Spheres Based on a Radial Data Structure. ICCSA (1) 2005: 716-725
15EEDeok-Soo Kim, Donguk Kim, Youngsong Cho, Joonghyun Ryu, Cheol-Hyung Cho, Joon Young Park, Hyun-Chan Lee: Visualization and Analysis of Protein Structures Using Euclidean Voronoi Diagram of Atoms. ICCSA (3) 2005: 993-1002
14EEDeok-Soo Kim, Donguk Kim, Youngsong Cho: Euclidean Voronoi Diagrams of 3D Spheres: Their Construction and Related Problems from Biochemistry. IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces 2005: 255-271
13EEDeok-Soo Kim, Youngsong Cho, Donguk Kim: Euclidean Voronoi diagram of 3D balls and its computation via tracing edges. Computer-Aided Design 37(13): 1412-1424 (2005)
12EEDonguk Kim, Deok-Soo Kim, Kokichi Sugihara: Euclidean voronoi diagram for circles in a circle. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 15(2): 209-228 (2005)
11EEDeok-Soo Kim, Youngsong Cho, Donguk Kim: Edge-tracing algorithm for euclidean voronoi diagram of 3d spheres. CCCG 2004: 176-179
10EEDeok-Soo Kim, Kwangseok Yu, Youngsong Cho, Donguk Kim, Chee-Keng Yap: Shortest Paths for Disc Obstacles. ICCSA (3) 2004: 62-70
9EEDeok-Soo Kim, Donguk Kim, Kokichi Sugihara: Voronoi Diagram of Circles in a Large Circle. ICCSA (3) 2003: 847-855
8EEDeok-Soo Kim, Youngsong Cho, Donguk Kim, Hyun Kim: Probability Distribution of Index Distances in Normal Index Array for Normal Vector Compression. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 887-896
7EEDeok-Soo Kim, Youngsong Cho, Donguk Kim: The Compression of the Normal Vectors of 3D Mesh Models Using Clustering. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2002: 275-284
6EEDeok-Soo Kim, Donguk Kim, Kokichi Sugihara, Joonghyun Ryu: Robust and Fast Algorithm for a Circle Set Voronoi Diagram in a Plane. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2001: 718-727
5EEDeok-Soo Kim, Donguk Kim, Kokichi Sugihara, Joonghyun Ryu: Apollonius Tenth Problem as a Point Location Problem. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2001: 728-737
4EEDeok-Soo Kim, Donguk Kim, Kokichi Sugihara: The computation of circumcircles of three circles. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 2001: 323-324
3EEDeok-Soo Kim, Donguk Kim, Kokichi Sugihara: Voronoi diagram of a circle set from Voronoi diagram of a point set: I. Topology. Computer Aided Geometric Design 18(6): 541-562 (2001)
2EEDeok-Soo Kim, Donguk Kim, Kokichi Sugihara: Voronoi diagram of a circle set from Voronoi diagram of a point set: II. Geometry. Computer Aided Geometric Design 18(6): 563-585 (2001)
1EEDeok-Soo Kim, Donguk Kim, Kokichi Sugihara: Voronoi Diagram of a Circle Set Constructed from Voronoi Diagram of a Point Set. ISAAC 2000: 432-443

Coauthor Index

1Jonghwa Bhak [22] [29]
2Cheol-Hyung Cho [15] [17] [19] [23] [27]
3Youngsong Cho [7] [8] [10] [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [22] [26] [28] [29] [31] [32]
4Shi-Min Hu [21]
5Li Jin [21]
6Chong-Min Kim [22] [29]
7Deok-Soo Kim [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32]
8Hyun Kim [8]
9Bohyung Lee [29]
10Changhee Lee [25] [30] [32]
11Hyun-Chan Lee [15] [26]
12Sunghoon Lee [22] [29]
13Lisen Mu [21]
14Joon Young Park [15] [26]
15Joonghyun Ryu [5] [6] [15] [23] [29] [31]
16Jeongyeon Seo [23] [27] [28] [31]
17Hayong Shin [25] [30]
18Kokichi Sugihara [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9] [12] [18] [24]
19Chung In Won [17] [22] [29]
20Chee-Keng Yap (Chee Yap) [10]
21Kwangseok Yu [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)