
Do-Yoon Kim

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5EEDo-Yoon Kim, Seungchul Shin, Cheolho Cheong, Tack-Don Han: A Usability Test of Exchanging Context in a Conference Room Via Mobile Device Interactions. HCI (1) 2007: 862-871
4EESeok-Won Lee, Dong-Chul Kim, Do-Yoon Kim, Tack-Don Han: Tag detection algorithm for improving the instability problem of an augmented reality. ISMAR 2006: 257-258
3EEDo Hyoung Kim, Do-Yoon Kim, Myung Jin Chung: An active vision system with facial expressions. ICARCV 2004: 1553-1558
2EEYoung Jin Lee, Do-Yoon Kim, Myung Jin Chung: Feature matching in omnidirectional images with a large sensor motion for map generation of a mobile robot. Pattern Recognition Letters 25(4): 413-427 (2004)
1EEZeungnam Bien, Won-Chul Bang, Do-Yoon Kim, Jeong-Su Han: Machine intelligence quotient: its measurements and applications. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 127(1): 3-16 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Won-Chul Bang [1]
2Zeungnam Bien [1]
3Cheolho Cheong [5]
4Myung Jin Chung [2] [3]
5Jeong-Su Han [1]
6Tack-Don Han [4] [5]
7Do Hyoung Kim [3]
8Dong-Chul Kim [4]
9Seok-Won Lee [4]
10Young Jin Lee [2]
11Seungchul Shin [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)