
Cheol-Han Kim

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4EEJeongsoo Lee, Heekwon Chae, Kwangsoo Kim, Cheol-Han Kim: An Ontology Architecture for Integration of Ontologies. ASWC 2006: 205-211
3 Cheol-Han Kim, Young-Jun Son, Tae-Young Kim, Kwangsoo Kim: A Modeling Approach for Designing Value Chain of VE. Virtual Enterprises and Collaborative Networks 2004: 27-34
2EECheol-Han Kim, Richard Weston, Hoon-Shik Woo: Development of an integrated methodology for enterprise engineering. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 14(5): 473-488 (2001)
1 Han-Il Jeong, Chang-Soo Lee, Cheol-Han Kim, Chankwon Park, Hyeong-Cheol Woo: Design of a Software Component Bank for Distribution. Journal of Systems Integration 10(3): 223-237 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Heekwon Chae [4]
2Han-Il Jeong [1]
3Kwangsoo Kim [3] [4]
4Tae-Young Kim [3]
5Chang-Soo Lee [1]
6Jeongsoo Lee [4]
7Chankwon Park [1]
8Young-Jun Son [3]
9Richard Weston [2]
10Hoon-Shik Woo [2]
11Hyeong-Cheol Woo [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)