
Melody Y. Kiang

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13EEMelody Y. Kiang, Dorothy M. Fisher: Selecting the right MBA schools - An application of self-organizing map networks. Expert Syst. Appl. 35(3): 946-955 (2008)
12EEMelody Y. Kiang, Dorothy M. Fisher, Steve A. Fisher, Robert T. H. Chi: Selecting the Right Peer Schools for AACSB Accreditation - A Data Mining Application. CIDM 2007: 31-34
11EEMelody Y. Kiang, Michael Y. Hu, Dorothy M. Fisher: The effect of sample size on the extended self-organizing map network - A market segmentation application. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 51(12): 5940-5948 (2007)
10EEMelody Y. Kiang, Michael Y. Hu, Dorothy M. Fisher: An extended self-organizing map network for market segmentation - a telecommunication example. Decision Support Systems 42(1): 36-47 (2006)
9EEMelody Y. Kiang, Michael Y. Hu, Dorothy M. Fisher, Robert T. H. Chi: The Effect of Sample Size on the Extended Self-Organizing Map Network for Market Segmentation. HICSS 2005
8EEMelody Y. Kiang, Dorothy M. Fisher, Steve A. Fisher, Robert T. H. Chi: Understand Corporate Rationales for Engaging in Reverse Stock Splits - A Data Mining Application. HICSS 2005
7EEMelody Y. Kiang, Jenny Gilsdorf, Robert T. H. Chi: Understand User Preference of Online Shoppers. EEE 2004: 123-130
6EEMelody Y. Kiang, Ajith Kumar: A comparative analysis of an extended SOM network and K-means analysis. KES Journal 8(1): 9-15 (2004)
5EEMelody Y. Kiang: A comparative assessment of classification methods. Decision Support Systems 35(4): 441-454 (2003)
4EEMelody Y. Kiang, Robert T. H. Chi: A Framework for Analyzing the Potential Benefits of Internet Marketing. J. Electron. Commerce Res. 2(4): 157-163 (2001)
3EEMelody Y. Kiang, Uday R. Kulkarni, Michael Goul, Robert T. H. Chi, Efraim Turban, Andrew Philippakis: Improving the Effectiveness of Self-Organizing Map Networks Using a Circular Kohonen Layer. HICSS (5) 1997: 521-529
2EERobert T. H. Chi, Melody Y. Kiang: Reasoning by coordination: an integration of case-based and rule-based reasoning systems. Knowl.-Based Syst. 6(2): 103-113 (1993)
1 Kar Yan Tam, Melody Y. Kiang: Predicting Bank Failures: A neural network approach. Applied Artificial Intelligence 4(4): 265-282 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Robert T. H. Chi [2] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9] [12]
2Dorothy M. Fisher [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
3Steve A. Fisher [8] [12]
4Jenny Gilsdorf [7]
5Michael Goul [3]
6Michael Y. Hu [9] [10] [11]
7Uday R. Kulkarni [3]
8Ajith Kumar [6]
9Andrew Philippakis [3]
10Kar Yan Tam [1]
11Efraim Turban [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)