
Esmaile Khorram

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10EEAli Abbasi Molai, Esmaile Khorram: Minimizing a Linear Objective Function Subject to Fuzzy Relation Equations Constraints with Max-Hamacher Product Composition. APJOR 25(2): 243-266 (2008)
9EEAli Abbasi Molai, Esmaile Khorram: Another modification from two papers of Ghodousian and Khorram and Khorram et al. Applied Mathematics and Computation 197(2): 559-565 (2008)
8EEAmin Ghodousian, Esmaile Khorram: Fuzzy linear optimization in the presence of the fuzzy relation inequality constraints with max-min composition. Inf. Sci. 178(2): 501-519 (2008)
7EEAli Abbasi Molai, Esmaile Khorram: An algorithm for solving fuzzy relation equations with max-T composition operator. Inf. Sci. 178(5): 1293-1308 (2008)
6EEAli Abbasi Molai, Esmaile Khorram: A modified algorithm for solving the proposed models by Ghodousian and Khorram and Khorram and Ghodousian. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(2): 1161-1167 (2007)
5EEEsmaile Khorram, Amin Ghodousian: Linear objective function optimization with fuzzy relation equation constraints regarding max-av composition. Applied Mathematics and Computation 173(2): 872-886 (2006)
4EEAmin Ghodousian, Esmaile Khorram: An algorithm for optimizing the linear function with fuzzy relation equation constraints regarding max-prod composition. Applied Mathematics and Computation 178(2): 502-509 (2006)
3EEEsmaile Khorram, Amin Ghodousian, Ali Abbasi Molai: Solving linear optimization problems with max-star composition equation constraints. Applied Mathematics and Computation 179(2): 654-661 (2006)
2EEMehdi Sohrabi Haghighat, Esmaile Khorram: The maximum and minimum number of efficient units in DEA with interval data. Applied Mathematics and Computation 163(2): 919-930 (2005)
1 Brian D. Bunday, Esmaile Khorram: The finite source queueing model for ultiprogrammed computer systems with different CPU times and different I/O times. Acta Cybern. 8: 353-359 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Brian D. Bunday [1]
2Amin Ghodousian [3] [4] [5] [8]
3Mehdi Sohrabi Haghighat [2]
4Ali Abbasi Molai [3] [6] [7] [9] [10]

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