
Rashid Hafeez Khokhar

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4EEQingxiang Wu, David A. Bell, Rashid Hafeez Khokhar, Guilin Qi, Zhihui Luo: Autonomous Robot Control Using Evidential Reasoning. FSKD (4) 2007: 550-554
3EERashid Hafeez Khokhar, David A. Bell, Jiwen Guan, Qingxiang Wu: Risk Assessment of E-Commerce Projects Using Evidential Reasoning. FSKD 2006: 621-630
2EERashid Hafeez Khokhar, David A. Bell, Jiwen Guan, Qingxiang Wu: Knowledge-Based Risk Assessment Under Uncertainty in Engineering Projects. IDEAL 2006: 1296-1303
1EERashid Hafeez Khokhar, Mohd. Noor Md. Sap: Design and Development of Neural Bayesian Approach for Unpredictable Stock Exchange Databases. CW 2003: 364-371

Coauthor Index

1David A. Bell [2] [3] [4]
2Jiwen Guan [2] [3]
3Zhihui Luo [4]
4Guilin Qi [4]
5Mohd. Noor Md. Sap [1]
6Qingxiang Wu [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)