
Igor E. Kheidorov

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3EEP. Kukharchik, Igor E. Kheidorov, Eugeny E. Bovbel, D. Ladeev: Speech Signal Processing Based on Wavelets and SVM for Vocal Tract Pathology Detection. ICISP 2008: 192-199
2EEIgor E. Kheidorov, Hanna M. Lukashevich, Denis L. Mitrofanov: Entropy and Dynamism Criteria for Speech and Audio Classification Applications. TSD 2003: 275-280
1EEEugeny E. Bovbel, Igor E. Kheidorov, Michael E. Kotlyar: Speaker Identification Using Autoregressive Hidden Markov Models and Adaptive Vector Quantisation. TSD 2000: 207-210

Coauthor Index

1Eugeny E. Bovbel [1] [3]
2Michael E. Kotlyar [1]
3P. Kukharchik [3]
4D. Ladeev [3]
5Hanna M. Lukashevich [2]
6Denis L. Mitrofanov [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)