
Farooq Khan

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7EEFarooq Khan: Capacity and Range Analysis of Multi-Hop Relay Wireless Networks. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
6EELai King Tee, Cornelius van Rensburg, Jiann-An Tsai, Farooq Khan: Uplink Power Control for Next Generation Mobile Broadband Wireless Access Systems: System-Level Simulation Results. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
5EEFarooq Khan, Cornelius van Rensburg: An Adaptive Cyclic Delay Diversity Technique for Beyond 3G/4G Wireless Systems. VTC Fall 2006: 1-6
4EEFarooq Khan: Performance of Orthogonal Uplink Multiple Access for Beyond 3G/4G Systems. VTC Fall 2006: 1-6
3EEArnab Das, Nandu Gopalakrishnan, Teck Hu, Farooq Khan, Ashok N. Rudrapatna, Ashwin Sampath, Hsuan-Jung Su, Said Tatesh, Wenfeng Zhang: Evolution of UMTS toward high-speed downlink packet access. Bell Labs Technical Journal 7(3): 47-68 (2003)
2 Zbigniew Dziong, Farooq Khan, Kamesh Medepalli, Sanjiv Nanda: Wireless Internet Access Using IS-2000 Third Generation System: A Performance and Capacity Study. Wireless Networks 8(4): 325-336 (2002)
1 Farooq Khan, Djamal Zeghlache: Performance Analysis of Link Adaptation in Wireless Personal Communication Systems. ICC (3) 1997: 1287-1291

Coauthor Index

1Arnab Das [3]
2Zbigniew Dziong [2]
3Nandu Gopalakrishnan [3]
4Teck Hu [3]
5Kamesh Medepalli [2]
6Sanjiv Nanda [2]
7Cornelius van Rensburg [5] [6]
8Ashok N. Rudrapatna [3]
9Ashwin Sampath [3]
10Hsuan-Jung Su [3]
11Said Tatesh [3]
12Lai King Tee [6]
13Jiann-An Tsai [6]
14Djamal Zeghlache [1]
15Wenfeng Zhang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)