
Ibrahim Khalil

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17EEBin Rong, Ibrahim Khalil, Zahir Tari: QoS-aware Application Layer Multicast. ISCC 2008: 1029-1033
16EEFahim Sufi, Ibrahim Khalil: Enforcing secured ECG transmission for realtime telemonitoring: A joint encoding, compression, encryption mechanism. Security and Communication Networks 1(5): 389-405 (2008)
15EEJaison Paul Mulerikkal, Ibrahim Khalil: An End-Systems Supported Highly Distributed Content Delivery Network. ICDCIT 2007: 172-183
14EESathish Rajasekhar, Bin Rong, Kwong Yuen Lai, Ibrahim Khalil, Zahir Tari: Load Sharing in Peer-to-Peer Networks using Dynamic Replication. AINA (1) 2006: 1011-1016
13EESathish Rajasekhar, Ibrahim Khalil, Zahir Tari: Probabilistic QoS Routing inWiFi P2P Networks. AINA (1) 2006: 811-816
12EEBin Rong, Ibrahim Khalil, Zahir Tari: Reliability Enhanced Large-Scale Application Layer Multicast. GLOBECOM 2006
11EEBin Rong, Ibrahim Khalil, Zahir Tari: An Adaptive Membership Algorithm for Application Layer Multicast. ICNS 2006: 35
10EEBin Rong, Ibrahim Khalil, Zahir Tari: Making Application Layer Multicast Reliableis Feasible. LCN 2006: 483-490
9EEBin Rong, Ibrahim Khalil, Zahir Tari: A Gossip-based Membership Management Algorithm for Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming. LCN 2005: 486-487
8EESathish Rajasekhar, Ibrahim Khalil, Zahir Tari: A Scalable and Roboust QoS Architecture for WiFi P2P Networks. ICDCIT 2004: 65-74
7EEIbrahim Khalil, Torsten Braun: Automated service provisioning in heterogeneous large-scale environment. NOMS 2002: 575-588
6EEIbrahim Khalil, Torsten Braun: Edge Provisioning and Fairness in VPN-DiffServ Networks. J. Network Syst. Manage. 10(1): (2002)
5EEIbrahim Khalil, Torsten Braun: A Range-Based SLA and Edge Driven Virtual Core Provisioning in DiffServ-VPNs. LCN 2001: 12-23
4EEIbrahim Khalil, Torsten Braun: Implementation of a Bandwidth Broker for Dynamic End-to-End Capacity Reservation over Multiple Diffserv Domains. MMNS 2001: 160-174
3EEIbrahim Khalil, Torsten Braun: Implementation of a Bandwidth Broker for Dynamic End-to-End Resource Reservation in Outsourced Virtual Private Networks. LCN 2000: 511-519
2EEManuel Günter, Torsten Braun, Ibrahim Khalil: An Architecture for Managing QoS-Enabled VPNs over the Internet. LCN 1999: 122-131
1 Florian Baumgartner, Torsten Braun, Hans Joachim Einsiedler, Ibrahim Khalil: Differentiated Internet Services. Wide Area Networks and High Performance Computing 1998: 37-59

Coauthor Index

1Florian Baumgartner [1]
2Torsten Braun [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Hans Joachim Einsiedler [1]
4Manuel Günter [2]
5Kwong Yuen Lai [14]
6Jaison Paul Mulerikkal [15]
7Sathish Rajasekhar [8] [13] [14]
8Bin Rong [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [17]
9Fahim Sufi [16]
10Zahir Tari [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)