
Stefanie Kethers

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11EEFlorian Mueller, Stefanie Kethers, Leila Alem, Ross Wilkinson: From the certainty of information transfer to the ambiguity of intuition. OZCHI 2006: 63-70
10EEStefanie Kethers, Günter Gans, Dominik Schmitz, David Sier: Modelling Trust Relationships in a Healthcare Network: Experiences with the TCD Framework. ECIS 2005
9EEStefanie Kethers, Dean M. G. Hargreaves, Ross Wilkinson: Remote meetings between farmers and researchers: a case study on asymmetry. CSCW 2004: 624-627
8EEGünter Gans, Matthias Jarke, Stefanie Kethers, Gerhard Lakemeyer: Continuous requirements management for organisation networks: a (dis)trust-based approach. Requir. Eng. 8(1): 4-22 (2003)
7EEStefanie Kethers: Capturing, Formalising, And Analysing Cooperation Processes : A Case Study. ECIS 2002
6EEGünter Gans, Matthias Jarke, Stefanie Kethers, Gerhard Lakemeyer, Lutz Ellrich, Christiane Funken, Martin Meister: Requirements Modeling for Organization Networks: A (Dis-)Trust-Based Approach. RE 2001: 154-165
5 Matthias Jarke, Stefanie Kethers: Regionale Kooperationskompetenz: Probleme und Modellierungstechniken. Wirtschaftsinformatik 41(4): 316-325 (1999)
4EEBettina von Buol, Stefanie Kethers, Manfred A. Jeusfeld, Matthias Jarke: Poster on A Terminology Server for Cooperative Terminology Work. CoopIS 1997: 229
3EEStefanie Kethers, Bettina von Buol: Internetbasierte Terminologiearbeit in der Medizin. EMISA 1996
2EEStephan Jacobs, Michael Gebhardt, Stefanie Kethers, Wojtek Rzasa: Filling HTML Forms Simultaneously: CoWeb - Architecture and Functionality. Computer Networks 28(7-11): 1385-1395 (1996)
1 Robert Grob, Stephan Jacobs, Stefanie Kethers: Towards CIS in Quality Management - Integration of Agents and Methods. CoopIS 1994: 134-145

Coauthor Index

1Leila Alem [11]
2Bettina von Buol [3] [4]
3Lutz Ellrich [6]
4Christiane Funken [6]
5Günter Gans [6] [8] [10]
6Michael Gebhardt [2]
7Robert Grob [1]
8Dean M. G. Hargreaves [9]
9Stephan Jacobs [1] [2]
10Matthias Jarke [4] [5] [6] [8]
11Manfred A. Jeusfeld [4]
12Gerhard Lakemeyer [6] [8]
13Martin Meister [6]
14Florian Mueller [11]
15Wojtek Rzasa [2]
16Dominik Schmitz [10]
17David Sier [10]
18Ross Wilkinson [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)