
Daniel Kersten

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10EEPeter W. Battaglia, Paul R. Schrater, Daniel Kersten: Auxiliary object knowledge influences visually-guided interception behavior. APGV 2005: 145-152
9EECheryl Olman, Daniel Kersten: Classification objects, ideal observers & generative models. Cognitive Science 28(2): 227-239 (2004)
8EEScott O. Murray, Paul R. Schrater, Daniel Kersten: Perceptual grouping and the interactions between visual cortical areas. Neural Networks 17(5-6): 695-705 (2004)
7EEAlan L. Yuille, Fang Fang, Paul R. Schrater, Daniel Kersten: Human and Ideal Observers for Detecting Image Curves. NIPS 2003
6EEDaniel Kersten: Object Perception: Generative Image Models and Bayesian Inference. Biologically Motivated Computer Vision 2002: 207-218
5 Paul R. Schrater, Daniel Kersten: How Optimal Depth Cue Integration Depends on the Task. International Journal of Computer Vision 40(1): 71-89 (2000)
4 Zili Liu, Daniel Kersten: 2D Affine Transformations are Unlikely to Account for Human 3D Object Recognition. ICCV 1998: 549-554
3 Zili Liu, Daniel Kersten: 2D Observers for Human 3D Object Recognition? NIPS 1997
2EESuthep Madarasmi, Daniel Kersten, Ting-Chuen Pong: The Computation of Stereo Disparity for Transparent and for Opaque Surfaces. NIPS 1992: 385-392
1 David C. Knill, Daniel Kersten: Learning a Near-Optimal Estimator for Surface Shape from Shading. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 50(1): 75-100 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Peter W. Battaglia [10]
2Fang Fang [7]
3David C. Knill [1]
4Zili Liu [3] [4]
5Suthep Madarasmi [2]
6Scott O. Murray [8]
7Cheryl Olman [9]
8Ting-Chuen Pong [2]
9Paul R. Schrater [5] [7] [8] [10]
10Alan L. Yuille [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)