
Roman Kern

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3EEStefanie N. Lindstaedt, Viktoria Pammer, Roland Mörzinger, Roman Kern, Helmut Mülner, Claudia Wagner: Recommending Tags for Pictures Based on Text, Visual Content and User Context. ICIW 2008: 506-511
2EEMathias Lux, Michael Granitzer, Roman Kern: Aspects of Broad Folksonomies. DEXA Workshops 2007: 283-287
1EEAndreas Juffinger, Thomas Neidhart, Albert Weichselbraun, Gerhard Wohlgenannt, Michael Granitzer, Roman Kern, Arno Scharl: Distributed Web2.0 crawling for ontology evolution. ICDIM 2007: 615-620

Coauthor Index

1Michael Granitzer [1] [2]
2Andreas Juffinger [1]
3Stefanie N. Lindstaedt [3]
4Mathias Lux [2]
5Roland Mörzinger [3]
6Helmut Mülner [3]
7Thomas Neidhart [1]
8Viktoria Pammer [3]
9Arno Scharl [1]
10Claudia Wagner [3]
11Albert Weichselbraun [1]
12Gerhard Wohlgenannt [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)