
Stuart Kent

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45 Jan Hendrik Hausmann, Stuart Kent: Visualizing Model Mappings in UML. SOFTVIS 2003: 169-178
44EETony Clark, Andy Evans, Stuart Kent: Aspect-oriented Metamodelling. Comput. J. 46(5): 566-577 (2003)
43EEStuart Kent: Model Driven Language Engineering. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 72(4): (2003)
42EEStuart Kent, Robert Smith: The Bidirectional Mapping Problem. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 82(7): (2003)
41EEDavid H. Akehurst, Stuart Kent, Octavian Patrascoiu: A relational approach to defining and implementing transformations between metamodels. Software and System Modeling 2(4): 215-239 (2003)
40EETony Clark, Andy Evans, Stuart Kent: Engineering Modelling Languages: A Precise Meta-Modelling Approach. FASE 2002: 159-173
39EEJean Flower, John Howse, John Taylor, Stuart Kent: A Visual Framework for Modelling with Heterogeneous Notations. HCC 2002: 71-73
38EEJoseph Gil, John Howse, Stuart Kent: Advanced visual modelling: beyond UML. ICSE 2002: 697-698
37EEJean Flower, John Howse, John Taylor, Stuart Kent: A Visual Framework for Modelling with Heterogeneous Notations. IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments 2002: 71-73
36EEStuart Kent: Model Driven Engineering. IFM 2002: 286-298
35EEStuart Kent, John Howse: Constraint Trees. Object Modeling with the OCL 2002: 228-249
34EETony Clark, Andy Evans, Stuart Kent: A Meta-model Facility for a Family of UML Constraint Languages. Object Modeling with the OCL 2002: 4-20
33EEDavid H. Akehurst, Stuart Kent: A Relational Approach to Defining Transformations in a Metamodel. UML 2002: 243-258
32EETony Clark, Andy Evans, Stuart Kent: A Metamodel for Package Extension with Renaming. UML 2002: 305-320
31EETony Clark, Andy Evans, Stuart Kent: The Metamodelling Language Calculus: Foundation Semantics for UML. FASE 2001: 17-31
30EEJoseph Gil, John Howse, Stuart Kent: Towards a Formalization of Constraint Diagrams. HCC 2001: 72-
29 John Howse, Fernando Molina, John Taylor, Stuart Kent, Joseph Gil: Spider Diagrams: A Diagrammatic Reasoning System. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 12(3): 299-324 (2001)
28 Tony Clark, Andy Evans, Stuart Kent: The specification of a reference implementation for the Unified Modeling Language. L'OBJET 7(1): (2001)
27 Andy Evans, Stuart Kent, Bran Selic: «UML» 2000 - The Unified Modeling Language, Advancing the Standard, Third International Conference, York, UK, October 2-6, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000
26 Anthony Lauder, Stuart Kent: Statecharts for Business Process Modelling. ICEIS 2000: 310-314
25EEJoseph Gil, John Howse, Stuart Kent: Advanced visual modeling (tutorial session): beyond UML. ICSE 2000: 833
24EEJoseph Gil, John Howse, Stuart Kent: Advanced Visual Modeling: Beyond UML. TOOLS (33) 2000: 474
23EEJoseph Gil, John Howse, Stuart Kent, John Taylor: Projections in Venn-Euler Diagrams. VL 2000: 119-126
22EEStuart Kent, Andy Evans, Bernhard Rumpe: UML Semantics FAQ. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 33-56
21 Bernhard Rumpe, Stuart Kent, Andy Evans, Robert B. France: What Does the Term Semantics Mean in the Context of UML. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 34-36
20 Stuart Kent, Bernhard Rumpe, Andy Evans, Robert B. France: Is a Precise Semantics Desirable? For What Purpose? ECOOP Workshops 1999: 37-40
19 Martin Gogolla, Stuart Kent, Tom Mens, Mark Richters, Oliver Radfelder: Is It Possible to Express a Semantics of UML in UML? (The Meta-modelling Approach). ECOOP Workshops 1999: 45-49
18EEIan Oliver, Stuart Kent: Validation of Object Oriented Models using Animation. EUROMICRO 1999: 2237-
17EEJoseph Gil, John Howse, Stuart Kent: Constraint Diagrams: A Step Beyond UML. TOOLS (30) 1999: 453-463
16EEAnthony Lauder, Stuart Kent: Two-Level Modeling. TOOLS (31) 1999: 108-117
15 Andy Evans, Stuart Kent: Core Meta-Modelling Semantics of UML: The pUML Approach. UML 1999: 140-155
14 Stuart Kent, John Howse: Mixing Visual and Textual Constraint Languages. UML 1999: 384-398
13EEJoseph Gil, John Howse, Stuart Kent: Formalizing Spider Diagrams. VL 1999: 130-137
12EEJohn Howse, Fernando Molina, John Taylor, Stuart Kent: Reasoning with Spider Diagrams. VL 1999: 138-
11EEAli Hamie, John Howse, Stuart Kent: Interpreting the Object Constraint Language. APSEC 1998: 288-295
10 Stuart Kent, John Howse, Anthony Lauder: Modeling Software Components. DEXA Workshop 1998: 789-800
9EEAnthony Lauder, Stuart Kent: Precise Visual Specification of Design Patterns. ECOOP 1998: 114-134
8EEAli Hamie, John Howse, Stuart Kent: Navigation Expresion in Object-Oriented Modelling. FASE 1998: 123-137
7 Joseph Gil, Stuart Kent: Three Dimensional Software Modeling. ICSE 1998: 105-114
6 Ali Hamie, Franco Civello, John Howse, Stuart Kent, Richard Mitchell: Reflections on the Object Constraint Language. UML 1998: 162-172
5 Stuart Kent, Joseph Gil: Visualising action contracts in object-oriented modelling. IEE Proceedings - Software 145(2-3): 70-78 (1998)
4EEStuart Kent, Ali Hamie, John Howse, Franco Civello, Richard Mitchell: Semantics Through Pictures. ECOOP Workshops 1997: 182-187
3 Stuart Kent: Constraint Diagrams: Visualizing Assertions in Object-Oriented Models. OOPSLA 1997: 327-341
2 Kevin Lano, S. J. Goldsack, Juan Bicarregui, Stuart Kent: Integrating VDM++ and Real-Time System Design. ZUM 1997: 188-219
1 Stuart Kent: Towards a Modal Logic of Durative Actions. Theory and Formal Methods 1993: 183-194

Coauthor Index

1David H. Akehurst [33] [41]
2Juan Bicarregui [2]
3Franco Civello [4] [6]
4Tony Clark [28] [31] [32] [34] [40] [44]
5Andy Evans [15] [20] [21] [22] [27] [28] [31] [32] [34] [40] [44]
6Jean Flower [37] [39]
7Robert B. France [20] [21]
8Joseph Gil (Yossi Gil) [5] [7] [13] [17] [23] [24] [25] [29] [30] [38]
9Martin Gogolla [19]
10S. J. Goldsack [2]
11Ali Hamie [4] [6] [8] [11]
12Jan Hendrik Hausmann [45]
13John Howse [4] [6] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [17] [23] [24] [25] [29] [30] [35] [37] [38] [39]
14Kevin Lano [2]
15Anthony Lauder [9] [10] [16] [26]
16Tom Mens [19]
17Richard Mitchell [4] [6]
18Fernando Molina [12] [29]
19Ian Oliver [18]
20Octavian Patrascoiu [41]
21Oliver Radfelder [19]
22Mark Richters [19]
23Bernhard Rumpe [20] [21] [22]
24Bran Selic [27]
25Robert Smith [42]
26John Taylor [12] [23] [29] [37] [39]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)