
David Kensche

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14EEPhilipp Kranen, David Kensche, Saim Kim, Nadine Zimmermann, Emmanuel Müller, Christoph Quix, Xiang Li, Thomas Gries, Thomas Seidl, Matthias Jarke, Steffen Leonhardt: Mobile Mining and Information Management in HealthNet Scenarios. MDM 2008: 215-216
13EEChristoph Quix, Sandra Geisler, David Kensche, Xiang Li: Results of GeRoMeSuite for OAEI 2008. OM 2008
12 Matthias Jarke, Thomas Seidl, Christoph Quix, David Kensche, Stefan Conrad, Erhard Rahm, Ralf Klamma, Harald Kosch, Michael Granitzer, Sven Apel, Marko Rosenmüller, Gunter Saake, Olaf Spinczyk: Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2007), Workshop Proceedings, 5.-6. März 2007, Aachen, Germany Verlagshaus Mainz, Aachen 2007
11 David Kensche, Christoph Quix: Transformation of Models in(to) a Generic Metamodel. BTW Workshops 2007: 4-15
10EEChristoph Quix, David Kensche, Xiang Li: Generic Schema Merging. CAiSE 2007: 127-141
9EEDavid Kensche, Christoph Quix, Yong Li, Matthias Jarke: Generic Schema Mappings. ER 2007: 132-148
8EEChristoph Quix, David Kensche, Xiang Li: Matching of Ontologies with XML Schemas Using a Generic Metamodel. OTM Conferences (1) 2007: 1081-1098
7EEDavid Kensche, Christoph Quix, Xiang Li, Yong Li: GeRoMeSuite: A System for Holistic Generic Model Management. VLDB 2007: 1322-1325
6EEDavid Kensche, Christoph Quix, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Matthias Jarke: GeRoMe: A Generic Role Based Metamodel for Model Management. J. Data Semantics 8: 82-117 (2007)
5EEDavid Kensche, Christian Seeling, Andreas Becks: MonA: an extensible framework for web document monitoring. SAC 2006: 1112-1113
4EEMohamed Amine Chatti, Satish Narayana Srirama, David Kensche, Yiwei Cao: Mobile Web Services for Collaborative Learning. WMTE 2006: 129-133
3EEMohamed Amine Chatti, Ralf Klamma, Christoph Quix, David Kensche: LM-DTM: An Environment for XML-Based, LIP/PAPI-Compliant Deployment, Transformation and Matching of Learner Models. ICALT 2005: 567-569
2EEDavid Kensche, Christoph Quix, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Matthias Jarke: GeRoMe: A Generic Role Based Metamodel for Model Management. OTM Conferences (2) 2005: 1206-1224
1EEChristoph Quix, David Kensche, Mohamed Amine Chatti: Rollenbasierte Metamodellierung zur Datenintegration. Datenbank-Spektrum 15(14): 5-11 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Sven Apel [12]
2Andreas Becks [5]
3Yiwei Cao [4]
4Mohamed Amine Chatti [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
5Stefan Conrad [12]
6Sandra Geisler [13]
7Michael Granitzer [12]
8Thomas Gries [14]
9Matthias Jarke [2] [6] [9] [12] [14]
10Saim Kim [14]
11Ralf Klamma [3] [12]
12Harald Kosch [12]
13Philipp Kranen [14]
14Steffen Leonhardt [14]
15Yong Li [7] [9]
16Xiang Li [7] [8] [10] [13] [14]
17Emmanuel Müller [14]
18Christoph Quix [1] [2] [3] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
19Erhard Rahm [12]
20Marko Rosenmüller [12]
21Gunter Saake [12]
22Christian Seeling [5]
23Thomas Seidl [12] [14]
24Olaf Spinczyk [12]
25Satish Narayana Srirama [4]
26Nadine Zimmermann [14]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)