
Sean C. Kelly

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7EEChris Mattmann, Vito Perrone, Sean C. Kelly, Daniel J. Crichton, Anthony Finkelstein, Nenad Medvidovic: A Reference Framework for Requirements and Architecture in Biomedical Grid Systems. IRI 2007: 418-422
6EEDaniel J. Crichton, Sean C. Kelly, Chris Mattmann, Qing Xiao, J. Steven Hughes, Jane Oh, Mark Thornquist, Donald Johnsey, Sudhir Srivastava, Laura Essermann, William Bigbee: A Distributed Information Services Architecture to Support Biomarker Discovery in Early Detection of Cancer. e-Science 2006: 44
5EEJ. Steven Hughes, Daniel J. Crichton, Sean C. Kelly, Chris Mattmann, Jerry Crichton, Thuy Tran: Intelligent resource discovery using ontology-based resource profiles. Data Science Journal 4: 171-188 (2005)
4EEChris Mattmann, Daniel J. Crichton, J. Steven Hughes, Sean C. Kelly, Paul M. Ramirez: Software Architecture for Large-Scale, Distributed, Data-Intensive Systems. WICSA 2004: 255-276
3EEHeather Kincaid, Sean C. Kelly, Daniel J. Crichton, Donald Johnsey, Marcy Winget, Sudhir Srivastava: A National Virtual Specimen Database for Early Cancer Detection. CBMS 2003: 117-123
2EESean C. Kelly, Gloria G. Putnam, Richard B. Wheeler, Shen Wang, William Davis, Ed Nelson, Doug Carpenter: Image Sensor Characterization in a Photographic Context. PICS 2003: 62-66
1 Daniel J. Crichton, J. Steven Hughes, Sean C. Kelly: A Science Data System Architecture for Information Retrieval. Clustering and Information Retrieval 2003: 261-298

Coauthor Index

1William Bigbee [6]
2Doug Carpenter [2]
3Daniel J. Crichton [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Jerry Crichton [5]
5William Davis [2]
6Laura Essermann [6]
7Anthony Finkelstein [7]
8J. Steven Hughes [1] [4] [5] [6]
9Donald Johnsey [3] [6]
10Heather Kincaid [3]
11Chris Mattmann [4] [5] [6] [7]
12Nenad Medvidovic [7]
13Ed Nelson [2]
14Jane Oh [6]
15Vito Perrone [7]
16Gloria G. Putnam [2]
17Paul M. Ramirez [4]
18Sudhir Srivastava [3] [6]
19Mark Thornquist [6]
20Thuy Tran [5]
21Shen Wang [2]
22Richard B. Wheeler [2]
23Marcy Winget [3]
24Qing Xiao [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)