
Bill Keller

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10EETim Owen, Ian Wakeman, Bill Keller, Julie Weeds, David J. Weir: Managing the Policies of Non-Technical Users in a Dynamic World. POLICY 2005: 251-254
9EEBill Keller, Tim Owen, Ian Wakeman, Julie Weeds, David J. Weir: Middleware for User Controlled Environments. PerCom Workshops 2005: 183-188
8EEBill Keller, Rudi Lutz: Evolutionary induction of stochastic context free grammars. Pattern Recognition 38(9): 1393-1406 (2005)
7EEBill Keller, Rudi Lutz: Improved Learning for Hidden Markov Models Using Penalized Training. AICS 2002: 53-60
6EEBill Keller: An Evaluation Semantics for DATR Theories. COLING 1996: 646-651
5 Bill Keller: DATR Theories and DATR Models. ACL 1995: 55-62
4EEBill Keller, David J. Weir: A Tractable Extension of Linear Indexed Grammars. EACL 1995: 75-82
3EEBill Keller: A Tractable Extension of Linear Indexed Grammars CoRR cmp-lg/9502021: (1995)
2EEBill Keller: DATR Theories and DATR Models CoRR cmp-lg/9505004: (1995)
1EEBill Keller: Formalisms for grammatical knowledge representation. Artif. Intell. Rev. 6(4): 365-381 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Rudi Lutz [7] [8]
2Tim Owen [9] [10]
3Ian Wakeman [9] [10]
4Julie Weeds [9] [10]
5David J. Weir [4] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)