
Fergus Kelledy

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6EEAlan F. Smeaton, Fergus Kelledy: User-Chosen Phrases in Interactive Query Formulation for Information Retrieval. BCS-IRSG Annual Colloquium on IR Research 1998
5EEFergus Kelledy, Alan F. Smeaton: Automatic Phrase Recognition and Extraction from Text. BCS-IRSG Annual Colloquium on IR Research 1997
4EEAlan F. Smeaton, Fergus Kelledy, Gerard Quinn: Ad hoc Retrieval Using Thresholds, WSTs for French Mono-lingual Retrieval, Document-at-a-Glance for High Precision and Triphone Windows for Spoken Documents. TREC 1997: 461-475
3EEFergus Kelledy, Alan F. Smeaton: TREC-5 Experiments at Dublin City University: Query Space Reduction, Spanish & Character Shape Encoding. TREC 1996
2EEAlan F. Smeaton, Fergus Kelledy, Ruairi O'Donnell: TREC-4 Experiments at Dublin City University: Thresholding Posting Lists, Query Expansion with WordNet and POS Tagging of Spanish. TREC 1995
1 Alan F. Smeaton, Ruairi O'Donnell, Fergus Kelledy: Indexing Structures Derived from Syntax in TREC-3: System Description. TREC 1994: 0-

Coauthor Index

1Ruairi O'Donnell [1] [2]
2Gerard Quinn [4]
3Alan F. Smeaton [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)