
Mary Keeler

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11EEMary Keeler, Arun Majumdar: Revelator's Complex Adaptive Reasoning Methodology for Resource Infrastructure Evolution. ICCS 2008: 88-103
10EEMary Keeler: Revelator Game of Inquiry: A Peircean Challenge for Conceptual Structures in Application and Evolution. ICCS 2007: 443-459
9EEMary Keeler, Arun Majumdar, John F. Sowa: Revelator's challenge. K-CAP 2007: 197-198
8EEMary Keeler: Using Brandom's Framework to Do Peirce's Normative Science: Pragmatism as the Game of Harmonizing Assertions? ICCS 2004: 242-260
7EEMary Keeler: Hegel in a Strange Costume: Reconsidering Normative Science for Conceptual Structures Research. ICCS 2003: 37-53
6EEAldo de Moor, Mary Keeler, Gary Richmond: Towards a Pragmatic Web. ICCS 2002: 235-249
5 Mary Keeler: Pragmatically Yours. ICCS 2000: 82-99
4 Mary Keeler, William M. Tepfenhart: PORT: Peirce Online Resource Testbeds. ICCS 1999: 511-512
3 Dickson Lukose, Harry S. Delugach, Mary Keeler, Leroy Searle, John F. Sowa: Conceptual Structures: Fulfilling Peirce's Dream, Fifth International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS '97, Seattle, Washington, USA, August 3-8, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
2 Leroy Searle, Mary Keeler, John F. Sowa, Harry S. Delugach, Dickson Lukose: Fulfilling Pierce's Dream: Conceptual Structures and Communities of Inquiry. ICCS 1997: 1-11
1 Mary Keeler, Leroy Searle, Christian Kloesel: PORT: A Testbed Paradigm for Knowledge Processing in hte hUmanities. ICCS 1997: 505-520

Coauthor Index

1Harry S. Delugach [2] [3]
2Christian Kloesel [1]
3Dickson Lukose [2] [3]
4Arun Majumdar [9] [11]
5Aldo de Moor [6]
6Gary Richmond [6]
7Leroy Searle [1] [2] [3]
8John F. Sowa [2] [3] [9]
9William M. Tepfenhart [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)