
Michelle M. Kazmer

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6EECaroline Haythornthwaite, Richard Andrews, Michelle M. Kazmer, Bertram C. Bruce, Rae-Anne Montague, Christina Preston: Theories and models of and for online learning. First Monday 12(8): (2007)
5EEMichelle M. Kazmer: Cats in the classroom: Online learning in hybrid space. First Monday 10(9): (2005)
4EECaroline Haythornthwaite, Karen J. Lunsford, Michelle M. Kazmer, Jenny Robins, Muzhgan Nazarova: The Generative Dance in Pursuit of Generative Knowledge. HICSS 2003: 115
3EEGary Burnett, Michael H. Dickey, Michelle M. Kazmer, Katherine M. Chudoba: Inscription and interpretation of text: a cultural hermeneutic examination of virtual community. Inf. Res. 9(1): (2003)
2EEMichelle M. Kazmer: Coping in a Distance Environment: Sitcoms, Chocolate Cake, and Dinner With a Friend. First Monday 5(9): (2000)
1EECaroline Haythornthwaite, Michelle M. Kazmer, Jennifer Robins, Susan Shoemaker: Community Development Among Distance Learners: Temporal and Technological Dimensions. J. Computer-Mediated Communication 6(1): (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Richard Andrews [6]
2Bertram C. Bruce [6]
3Gary Burnett [3]
4Katherine M. Chudoba [3]
5Michael H. Dickey [3]
6Caroline Haythornthwaite [1] [4] [6]
7Karen J. Lunsford [4]
8Rae-Anne Montague [6]
9Muzhgan Nazarova [4]
10Christina Preston [6]
11Jennifer Robins [1]
12Jenny Robins [4]
13Susan Shoemaker [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)