
Ivan G. Kazantsev

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8EEIvan G. Kazantsev, Gabor T. Herman, Laslo Cernetic: Backprojection-based reconstruction and correction for distance-dependent defocus in cryoelectron microscopy. ISBI 2008: 133-136
7EESamuel Matej, Ivan G. Kazantsev: Fourier-Based Reconstruction for Fully 3-D PET: Optimization of Interpolation Parameters. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 25(7): 845-854 (2006)
6EEIvan G. Kazantsev, Samuel Matej, Robert M. Lewitt: Optimal Ordering of Projections using Permutation Matrices and Angles between Projection Subspaces. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 20: 205-216 (2005)
5EESamuel Matej, Jeffrey A. Fessler, Ivan G. Kazantsev: Iterative tomographic image reconstruction using Fourier-based forward and back-projectors. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 23(4): 401-412 (2004)
4EEIvan G. Kazantsev, Ignace Lemahieu, G. I. Salov, R. Denys: Statistical detection of defects in radiographic images in nondestructive testing. Signal Processing 82(5): 791-801 (2002)
3 Ivan G. Kazantsev: The Radon Transform-Based Analysis of Bidirectional Structural Textures. CAIP 1997: 162-166
2EEIvan G. Kazantsev: A New Formula of the Radon Transform Inversion. ICIP (1) 1997: 189-191
1 Ivan G. Kazantsev: The Weighted Backprojection Techniques of Image Reconstruction. CAIP 1995: 521-525

Coauthor Index

1Laslo Cernetic [8]
2R. Denys [4]
3Jeffrey A. Fessler [5]
4Gabor T. Herman [8]
5Ignace Lemahieu [4]
6Robert M. Lewitt [6]
7Samuel Matej [5] [6] [7]
8G. I. Salov [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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