
Selçuk Kavut

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7EESelçuk Kavut, Melek Diker Yucel: 9-variable Boolean Functions with Nonlinearity 242 in the Generalized Rotation Class CoRR abs/0808.0684: (2008)
6EESelçuk Kavut, Melek D. Yücel: Generalized Rotation Symmetric and Dihedral Symmetric Boolean Functions - 9 Variable Boolean Functions with Nonlinearity 242. AAECC 2007: 321-329
5EESelçuk Kavut, Subhamoy Maitra, Melek D. Yücel: Search for Boolean Functions With Excellent Profiles in the Rotation Symmetric Class. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(5): 1743-1751 (2007)
4EESelçuk Kavut, Subhamoy Maitra, Sumanta Sarkar, Melek D. Yücel: Enumeration of 9-Variable Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions Having Nonlinearity > 240. INDOCRYPT 2006: 266-279
3EESelçuk Kavut, Melek D. Yücel: Improved Cost Function in the Design of Boolean Functions Satisfying Multiple Criteria. INDOCRYPT 2003: 121-134
2EESelçuk Kavut, Melek D. Yücel: Slide Attack on Spectr-H64. INDOCRYPT 2002: 34-47
1EESelçuk Kavut, Melek D. Yücel: On Some Cryptographic Properties of Rijndael. MMM-ACNS 2001: 300-312

Coauthor Index

1Subhamoy Maitra [4] [5]
2Sumanta Sarkar [4]
3Melek D. Yücel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Melek Diker Yucel [7]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)