
Boris Katz

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33EEBoris Katz, Gary C. Borchardt, Sue Felshin, Federico Mora: Harnessing Language in Mobile Environments. ICSC 2007: 421-428
32EEBoris Katz, Gary C. Borchardt, Sue Felshin, Yuan Kui Shen, Gabriel Zaccak: Answering English Questions using Foreign-Language, Semi-Structured Sources. ICSC 2007: 439-445
31EEBoris Katz, Sue Felshin, Gregory Marton, Federico Mora, Yuan Kui Shen, Gabriel Zaccak, Ammar Ammar, Eric Eisner, Asli Turgut, L. Brown Westrick: CSAIL at TREC 2007 Question Answering. TREC 2007
30 Boris Katz, Gary C. Borchardt, Sue Felshin: Natural Language Annotations for Question Answering. FLAIRS Conference 2006: 303-306
29EEBoris Katz, Gregory Marton, Sue Felshin, Daniel Loreto, Ben Lu, Federico Mora, Özlem Uzuner, Michael McGraw-Herdeg, Natalie Cheung, Alexey Radul, Yuan Kui Shen, Yuan Luo, Gabriel Zaccak: Question Answering Experiments and Resources. TREC 2006
28EEJimmy J. Lin, Boris Katz: Building a reusable test collection for question answering. JASIST 57(7): 851-861 (2006)
27 Özlem Uzuner, Boris Katz: Capturing Expression Using Linguistic Information. AAAI 2005: 1124-1130
26EEÖzlem Uzuner, Boris Katz: A Comparative Study of Language Models for Book and Author Recognition. IJCNLP 2005: 969-980
25EEÖzlem Uzuner, Randall Davis, Boris Katz: Using Empirical Methods for Evaluating Expression and Content Similarity. HICSS 2004
24EEWesley Hildebrandt, Boris Katz, Jimmy J. Lin: Answering Definition Questions Using Multiple Knowledge Sources. HLT-NAACL 2004: 49-56
23 Boris Katz, Jimmy J. Lin, Chris Stauffer, W. Eric L. Grimson: Answering Questions About Moving Objects in Videos. New Directions in Question Answering 2004: 113-128
22 Boris Katz, Sue Felshin, Jimmy J. Lin, Gregory Marton: Viewing the Web as a Virtual Database for Question Answering. New Directions in Question Answering 2004: 215-226
21EEJimmy J. Lin, Dennis Quan, Vineet Sinha, Karun Bakshi, David Huynh, Boris Katz, David R. Karger: The role of context in question answering systems. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 1006-1007
20EEJimmy J. Lin, Boris Katz: Question answering from the web using knowledge annotation and knowledge mining techniques. CIKM 2003: 116-123
19EEBoris Katz, Roger Hurwitz, Jimmy J. Lin, Özlem Uzuner: Better Public Policy Through Natural Language Information Access. DG.O 2003
18EEBoris Katz, Roger Hurwitz, Jimmy J. Lin, Özlem Uzuner: START: A Framework for Facilitating E-Rulemaking. DG.O 2003
17 Kim Barker, Jim Blythe, Gary C. Borchardt, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Peter Clark, Paul R. Cohen, Julie Fitzgerald, Kenneth D. Forbus, Yolanda Gil, Boris Katz, Jihie Kim, Gary W. King, Sunil Mishra, Clayton T. Morrison, Kenneth S. Murray, Charley Otstott, Bruce W. Porter, Robert Schrag, Tomás E. Uribe, Jeffrey M. Usher, Peter Z. Yeh: A Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Course of Action Analysis. IAAI 2003: 43-50
16 Jimmy J. Lin, Dennis Quan, Vineet Sinha, Karun Bakshi, David Huynh, Boris Katz, David R. Karger: What Makes a Good Answer? The Role of Context in Question Answering. INTERACT 2003
15EEDavid R. Karger, Boris Katz, Jimmy J. Lin, Dennis Quan: Sticky notes for the semantic web. IUI 2003: 254-256
14 Boris Katz, Jimmy J. Lin, Chris Stauffer, W. Eric L. Grimson: Answering Questions about Moving Objects in Surveillance Videos. New Directions in Question Answering 2003: 145-152
13EEStefanie Tellex, Boris Katz, Jimmy J. Lin, Aaron Fernandes, Gregory Marton: Quantitative evaluation of passage retrieval algorithms for question answering. SIGIR 2003: 41-47
12EEBoris Katz, Jimmy J. Lin, Daniel Loreto, Wesley Hildebrandt, Matthew W. Bilotti, Sue Felshin, Aaron Fernandes, Gregory Marton, Federico Mora: Integrating Web-based and Corpus-based Techniques for Question Answering. TREC 2003: 426-435
11EEBoris Katz, Jimmy J. Lin, Dennis Quan: Natural Language Annotations for the Semantic Web. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE 2002: 1317-1331
10 Boris Katz, Jimmy J. Lin, Sue Felshin: The START Multimedia Information System: Current Technology and Future Directions. Multimedia Information Systems 2002: 117-123
9EEBoris Katz, Sue Felshin, Deniz Yuret, Ali Ibrahim, Jimmy J. Lin, Gregory Marton, Alton Jerome McFarland, Baris Temelkuran: Omnibase: Uniform Access to Heterogeneous Data for Question Answering. NLDB 2002: 230-234
8EEJimmy J. Lin, Aaron Fernandes, Boris Katz, Gregory Marton, Stefanie Tellex: Extracting Answers from the Web Using Data Annotation and Knowledge Mining Techniques. TREC 2002
7 Barbara Starr, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Boris Katz, Benjamin M. Good, Jérôme Thoméré: HIKE (HPKB Integrated Knowledge Environment) - A Query Interface and Integrated Knowledge Environment for HPKB. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 927-928
6 Özlem Uzuner, Boris Katz, Deniz Yuret: Word Sense Disambiguation for Information Retrieval. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 985
5EEBoris Katz, Deniz Yuret, Jimmy J. Lin, Sue Felshin, Rebecca Schulman, Adnan Ilik, Ali Ibrahim, Philip Osafo-Kwaako: Integrating Web Resources and Lexicons into a Natural Language Query System. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 255-261
4 Boris Katz: Annotating the World Wide Web using Natural Language. RIAO 1997: 136-159
3 Boris Katz, Beth Levin: Exploiting lexical regularities in designing natural language systems. COLING 1988: 316-323
2 Boris Katz: Using English for Indexing and Retrieving. RIAO 1988: 313-333
1 Patrick H. Winston, Boris Katz, Thomas O. Binford, Michael R. Lowry: Learning Physical Descriptions From Functional Definitions, Examples, and Precedents. AAAI 1983: 433-439

Coauthor Index

1Ammar Ammar [31]
2Karun Bakshi [16] [21]
3Kim Barker [17]
4Matthew W. Bilotti [12]
5Thomas O. Binford [1]
6Jim Blythe (James Blythe) [17]
7Gary C. Borchardt [17] [30] [32] [33]
8Vinay K. Chaudhri [7] [17]
9Natalie Cheung [29]
10Peter Clark [17]
11Paul R. Cohen [17]
12Randall Davis [25]
13Eric Eisner [31]
14Sue Felshin [5] [9] [10] [12] [22] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33]
15Aaron Fernandes [8] [12] [13]
16Julie Fitzgerald [17]
17Kenneth D. Forbus [17]
18Yolanda Gil [17]
19Benjamin M. Good [7]
20W. Eric L. Grimson (Eric Grimson) [14] [23]
21Wesley Hildebrandt [12] [24]
22Roger Hurwitz [18] [19]
23David Huynh (David François Huynh) [16] [21]
24Ali Ibrahim [5] [9]
25Adnan Ilik [5]
26David R. Karger [15] [16] [21]
27Jihie Kim [17]
28Gary W. King [17]
29Beth Levin [3]
30Jimmy J. Lin [5] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [28]
31Daniel Loreto [12] [29]
32Michael R. Lowry [1]
33Ben Lu [29]
34Yuan Luo [29]
35Gregory Marton [8] [9] [12] [13] [22] [29] [31]
36Alton Jerome McFarland [9]
37Michael McGraw-Herdeg [29]
38Sunil Mishra [17]
39Federico Mora [12] [29] [31] [33]
40Clayton T. Morrison [17]
41Kenneth S. Murray [17]
42Philip Osafo-Kwaako [5]
43Charley Otstott [17]
44Bruce W. Porter [17]
45Dennis Quan [11] [15] [16] [21]
46Alexey Radul [29]
47Robert Schrag [17]
48Rebecca Schulman [5]
49Yuan Kui Shen [29] [31] [32]
50Vineet Sinha [16] [21]
51Barbara Starr [7]
52Chris Stauffer [14] [23]
53Stefanie Tellex [8] [13]
54Baris Temelkuran [9]
55Jérôme Thoméré [7]
56Asli Turgut [31]
57Tomás E. Uribe [17]
58Jeffrey M. Usher [17]
59Özlem Uzuner [6] [18] [19] [25] [26] [27] [29]
60L. Brown Westrick [31]
61Patrick Henry Winston (Patrick H. Winston) [1]
62Peter Z. Yeh [17]
63Deniz Yuret [5] [6] [9]
64Gabriel Zaccak [29] [31] [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)