
Alexander Katz

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4 Harold Ossher, Matthew Kaplan, Alexander Katz, William H. Harrison, Vincent J. Kruskal: Specifying Subject-Oriented Composition. TAPOS 2(3): 179-202 (1996)
3 Harold Ossher, Matthew Kaplan, William H. Harrison, Alexander Katz, Vincent J. Kruskal: Subject-Oriented Composition Rules. OOPSLA 1995: 235-250
2EEWai-Mee Ching, Alexander Katz: An experimental APL compiler for a distributed memory parallel machine. SC 1994: 59-68
1EEWai-Mee Ching, Alexander Katz: The Testing of an APL Compiler. APL 1993: 55-62

Coauthor Index

1Wai-Mee Ching [1] [2]
2William H. Harrison [3] [4]
3Matthew Kaplan [3] [4]
4Vincent J. Kruskal [3] [4]
5Harold Ossher [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)