
Jana Katreniaková

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8EEJirí Dokulil, Jana Katreniaková: RDF Query Generator. IV 2008: 191-193
7EEJirí Dokulil, Jana Katreniaková: Navigation in RDF Data. IV 2008: 26-31
6EEJirí Dokulil, Jana Katreniaková: Edge Routing with Fixed Node Positions. IV 2008: 626-631
5EEJirí Dokulil, Jana Katreniaková: Visual Exploration of RDF Data. SOFSEM 2008: 672-683
4 Jana Katreniaková: Mental map preserving cluster expansion. SOFSEM (2) 2008: 58-69
3EEMichal Forisek, Branislav Katreniak, Jana Katreniaková, Rastislav Kralovic, Richard Královic, Vladimír Koutný, Dana Pardubská, Tomas Plachetka, Branislav Rovan: Online Bandwidth Allocation. ESA 2007: 546-557
2EEMichal Forisek, Branislav Katreniak, Jana Katreniaková, Rastislav Kralovic, Richard Královic, Vladimír Koutný, Dana Pardubská, Tomas Plachetka, Branislav Rovan: Online Bandwidth Allocation CoRR abs/cs/0701153: (2007)
1 Branislav Katreniak, Jana Katreniaková: On the Inability of Gathering by Asynchronous Mobile Robots with Initial Movements. ECAI 2006: 255-259

Coauthor Index

1Jirí Dokulil [5] [6] [7] [8]
2Michal Forisek [2] [3]
3Branislav Katreniak [1] [2] [3]
4Vladimír Koutný [2] [3]
5Rastislav Kralovic [2] [3]
6Richard Královic [2] [3]
7Dana Pardubská [2] [3]
8Tomas Plachetka [2] [3]
9Branislav Rovan [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)