
Moshe Kaspi

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7 Helman Stern, Moshe Zofi, Moshe Kaspi: Multi Observer 3D Visual Area Coverage Scheduling Using Decomposition Methodologies. IC-AI 2007: 114-120
6EELiron Yedidsion, Dvir Shabtay, Moshe Kaspi: A bicriteria approach to minimize maximal lateness and resource consumption for scheduling a single machine. J. Scheduling 10(6): 341-352 (2007)
5EEMoshe Kaspi, Dvir Shabtay: A bicriterion approach to time/cost trade-offs in scheduling with convex resource-dependent job processing times and release dates. Computers & OR 33(10): 3015-3033 (2006)
4EEDvir Shabtay, Moshe Kaspi: Parallel machine scheduling with a convex resource consumption function. European Journal of Operational Research 173(1): 92-107 (2006)
3 Helman Stern, Yoash Chassidim, Moshe Zofi, Moshe Kaspi: Multi Agent Visual Area Coverage Strategies using an Adaptive Queen Genetic Algorithm. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2005: 118-124
2EEDvir Shabtay, Moshe Kaspi: Minimizing the total weighted flow time in a single machine with controllable processing times. Computers & OR 31(13): 2279-2289 (2004)
1EEMoshe Kaspi, Dvir Shabtay: Convex resource allocation for minimizing the makespan in a single machine with job release dates. Computers & OR 31(9): 1481-1489 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Yoash Chassidim [3]
2Dvir Shabtay [1] [2] [4] [5] [6]
3Helman Stern [3] [7]
4Liron Yedidsion [6]
5Moshe Zofi [3] [7]

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