
Kenji Kashiwabara

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14EEIkumi Horie, Kazunori Yamaguchi, Kenji Kashiwabara: Pattern detection from web using AFA set theory. WIDM 2007: 113-120
13EEKenji Kashiwabara, Yoshio Okamoto, Takeaki Uno: Matroid representation of clique complexes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(15): 1910-1929 (2007)
12EEMasahiro Hachimori, Kenji Kashiwabara: On the topology of the free complexes of convex geometries. Discrete Mathematics 307(2): 274-279 (2007)
11EEKenji Kashiwabara, Tadashi Sakuma: Grinstead's conjecture is true for graphs with a small clique number. Discrete Mathematics 306(19-20): 2572-2581 (2006)
10EEIkumi Horie, Kazunori Yamaguchi, Kenji Kashiwabara: Higher-order rank analysis for web structure. Hypertext 2005: 98-106
9EEKenji Kashiwabara, Masataka Nakamura, Yoshio Okamoto: The affine representation theorem for abstract convex geometries. Comput. Geom. 30(2): 129-144 (2005)
8EESatoru Fujishige, Kazuhisa Makino, Takashi Takabatake, Kenji Kashiwabara: Polybasic polyhedra: structure of polyhedra with edge vectors of support size at most 2. Discrete Mathematics 280(1-3): 13-27 (2004)
7EEKenji Kashiwabara, Yoshio Okamoto, Takeaki Uno: Matroid Representation of Clique Complexes. COCOON 2003: 192-201
6EEKenji Kashiwabara, Takashi Takabatake: Polyhedra with submodular support functions and their unbalanced simultaneous exchangeability. Discrete Applied Mathematics 131(2): 433-448 (2003)
5EEKenji Kashiwabara, Yoshio Okamoto: A greedy algorithm for convex geometries. Discrete Applied Mathematics 131(2): 449-465 (2003)
4 Kenji Kashiwabara: Subdivisions of integral base polytopes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 115(1-3): 89-97 (2001)
3 Kenji Kashiwabara, Bunpei Nakano: Envelopes and clutters. Discrete Applied Mathematics 101(1-3): 177-185 (2000)
2EEKenji Kashiwabara: Extremality of submodular functions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 235(2): 239-256 (2000)
1EEKenji Kashiwabara, Masataka Nakamura, Takashi Takabatake: Integral Polyhedra Associated with Certain Submodular Functions Defined on 012-Vectors. IPCO 1999: 289-303

Coauthor Index

1Satoru Fujishige [8]
2Masahiro Hachimori [12]
3Ikumi Horie [10] [14]
4Kazuhisa Makino [8]
5Masataka Nakamura [1] [9]
6Bunpei Nakano [3]
7Yoshio Okamoto [5] [7] [9] [13]
8Tadashi Sakuma [11]
9Takashi Takabatake [1] [6] [8]
10Takeaki Uno [7] [13]
11Kazunori Yamaguchi [10] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)