
Hans Karlgren

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8EEHans Karlgren: Distortion or Improvement - Effects of information technology on the development of natural languages. COLING 1996: 997-999
7EEJussi Karlgren, Hans Karlgren, Paul Pettersson, Magnus Nordström, Bengt Wahrolén: DILEMMA: a tool for rapid manual translation. CHI Conference Companion 1994: 129-130
6EEHans Karlgren, Jussi Karlgren, Magnus Nordström, Paul Pettersson, Bengt Wahrolén: DILEMMA - An Instant Lexicographer. COLING 1994: 82-84
5EEHans Karlgren: Preface. COLING 1990: 4-8
4 Hans Karlgren: COLING 90: Computational Linguistics in 1990. COLING 1990: 97-99
3 Hans Karlgren, Jürgen Kunze: Vocnets - a tool for handling finite vocabularies. COLING 1988: 306-308
2 Michal P. Chytil, Hans Karlgren: Categorial Grammars for Strata of Non-CF Languages and their Parsers. COLING 1986: 208-210
1 Hans Karlgren: Stacking Without Really Stacking When Reducing Categorical Expressions. Inf. Process. Lett. 1(1): 21-22 (1971)

Coauthor Index

1Michal P. Chytil [2]
2Jussi Karlgren [6] [7]
3Jürgen Kunze [3]
4Magnus Nordström [6] [7]
5Paul Pettersson [6] [7]
6Bengt Wahrolén [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)