
Omar H. Karam

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6EEMarwa M. A. Hussein, Taysir H. A. Soliman, Omar H. Karam: GP-Growth: A New Algorithm for Mining Frequent Embedded Subtrees. ISCC 2007: 1013-1020
5EEAmal El-Nahas, Omar H. Karam, Ahmad Hamad, Ingy Ramzy: "TellMe": A Novel Protocol and Location Prediction Scheme Exploiting the "One For All" Framework for Location Management. TIME 2005: 56-64
4 Safia H. Deif, Omar H. Karam, Samir I. Shaheen: Fast Parallel Matrix Multiplication Algorithms on Optical Bus Fully Shuffled Trees. ISCA PDCS 2004: 39-44
3 Omar H. Karam, Mohamed El-Sharkawy, Osman Ibrahim, Rasha Ismail: The Enhanced Greedy Interchange Algorithm for the Selection of Materialized Views Under a Maintenance Cost Constraint in Data Warehouses. ICEIS (1) 2003: 279-284
2 Safia H. Deif, Omar H. Karam, Samir I. Shaheen, Abd El-Moneim Y. Bilal: Optical Hierarchical Fully Shuffled Tree. SAC (2) 2000: 667-676
1 Omar H. Karam, Dharma P. Agrawal: Design and Analysis of Generalized Link Extended Hierarchical Interconnection Networks. IPPS 1993: 643-649

Coauthor Index

1Dharma P. Agrawal [1]
2Abd El-Moneim Y. Bilal [2]
3Safia H. Deif [2] [4]
4Amal El-Nahas [5]
5Mohamed El-Sharkawy [3]
6Ahmad Hamad [5]
7Marwa M. A. Hussein [6]
8Osman Ibrahim [3]
9Rasha Ismail [3]
10Ingy Ramzy [5]
11Samir I. Shaheen [2] [4]
12Taysir H. A. Soliman [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)