
Jalal Karam

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7 Jalal Karam, Nawrass Abdel Razzak, Mohammad Chami, Maen Artimy: Automatic Segmentation And Recognition Of Arabic Speech. FECS 2007: 321-325
6 Jalal Karam: Deriving New Orthogonal Wavelets From Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks. MLMTA 2005: 173-176
5 Jalal Karam: Standards of Speech Technologies and Recognition with Fourier and Wavelet Transforms. MLMTA 2005: 177-183
4 Jalal Karam: An Application of the Kakeya-Enestrom Theorem. CISST 2004: 354-358
3 Jalal Karam: A Biorthogonal Wavelet for the continuous Wavelet Transform Scale of Speech Recognition. CISST 2004: 387-390
2 Jalal Karam: Recognizing Similar Acoustic Sounds Using Wavelet Packets. CISST 2003: 49-52
1 Jalal Karam: Automatic Recognition of Spoken Words Via Wavelets Coding. CISST 2003: 53-58

Coauthor Index

1Maen Artimy [7]
2Mohammad Chami [7]
3Nawrass Abdel Razzak [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)