
Bill Karakostas

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15 Bill Karakostas, Yannis Zorgios: A Systemic, Ontology-driven Approach to e-Services Governance. ACT4SOC 2008: 41-51
14EEBill Karakostas, Yannis Zorgios: Engineering Service Oriented Systems: A Model Driven Approach. EDOC 2008
13EEDimitris Kardaras, Bill Karakostas: Exploring the potential of virtual communities as a business model in banking: the customers' view. IJWBC 3(3): 316-331 (2007)
12EEBill Karakostas, Yannis Zorgios, Charalampos C. Alevizos: The Semantics of Business Service Orchestration. Business Process Management Workshops 2006: 435-446
11EEBill Karakostas, Yannis Zorgios, Charalampos C. Alevizos: Automatic derivation of BPEL4WS from IDEF0 process models. Software and System Modeling 5(2): 208-218 (2006)
10 Bill Karakostas: Standards for Web-Based Integration Adapters. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (V) 2005: 2602-2604
9EEAndreas Gregoriades, Bill Karakostas: Unifying business objects and system dynamics as a paradigm for developing decision support systems. Decision Support Systems 37(2): 307-311 (2004)
8EEGeorgios John Fakas, Bill Karakostas: A peer to peer (P2P) architecture for dynamic workflow management. Information & Software Technology 46(6): 423-431 (2004)
7 Bill Karakostas, Dimitris Kardaras: The Role of Web Services in Financial Organisations: Results from a Survey. ICWI 2003: 1167-1170
6 Georgios John Fakas, Bill Karakostas, Stelios Christophi: A Peer to Peer (P2P) Dynamic Workflow Management System Based on Web Services. ICWS 2003: 428-431
5 Bill Karakostas, Michael Stamboultzis, Felix Adekey, Dimitris Kardaras: A Web Services Architecture for Electronic Funds Transfer. ICWI 2002: 708-711
4EEBill Karakostas, Dimitris Panagiotakis, George Fakas: Workflow Requirements Modelling Using XML. Requir. Eng. 7(3): 124-138 (2002)
3EEApostolis Karakaxas, Bill Karakostas, Vassilis Zografos: A Business Object Oriented Layered Enterprise Architecture. DEXA Workshop 2000: 807-812
2EEGeorge Fakas, Bill Karakostas: A workflow management system based on intelligent collaborative objects. Information & Software Technology 41(13): 907-915 (1999)
1 Dimitris Kardaras, Bill Karakostas: The use of fuzzy cognitive maps to simulate the information systems strategic planning process. Information & Software Technology 41(4): 197-210 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Felix Adekey [5]
2Charalampos C. Alevizos [11] [12]
3Stelios Christophi [6]
4George Fakas [2] [4]
5Georgios John Fakas [6] [8]
6Andreas Gregoriades [9]
7Apostolis Karakaxas [3]
8Dimitris Kardaras [1] [5] [7] [13]
9Dimitris Panagiotakis [4]
10Michael Stamboultzis [5]
11Vassilis Zografos [3]
12Yannis Zorgios [11] [12] [14] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)