
Unmil Karadkar

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21EEPaul Logasa Bogen II, Joshua Johnston, Unmil Karadkar, Richard Furuta, Frank Shipman: Application of kalman filters to identify unexpected change in blogs. JCDL 2008: 305-312
20EEPaul Logasa Bogen II, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Richard Furuta, Takeisha Hubbard, Unmil Karadkar, Frank M. Shipman III: Longitudinal study of changes in blogs. JCDL 2007: 135-136
19EEUnmil Karadkar, Marlo Nordt, Richard Furuta, Cody Lee, Christopher Quick: An Exploration of Space-Time Constraints on Contextual Information in Image-Based Testing Interfaces. ECDL 2006: 391-402
18EEUnmil Karadkar, Marlo Nordt, Richard Furuta, Cody Lee, Christopher Quick: Image-based evaluation of video-acquired research skills. JCDL 2006: 200-201
17EESarah Davis, Paul Logasa Bogen II, Lauren Cifuentes, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Richard Furuta, Takeisha Hubbard, Unmil Karadkar, Daniel Pogue, Frank M. Shipman III: Template-based authoring of educational artifacts. JCDL 2006: 242-243
16EEUnmil Karadkar, Richard Furuta, Jeevan Joseph John, Jin-Cheon Na: Exploring user perceptions of digital image similarity. JCDL 2005: 89-90
15EEPratik Dave, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Unmil Karadkar, Richard Furuta, Frank M. Shipman III, Paul Logasa Bogen II: Incorporating Physical and Digital Artifacts into Growing Personal Collections. ECDL 2004: 341-352
14EEPratik Dave, Paul Logasa Bogen II, Unmil Karadkar, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Richard Furuta, Frank M. Shipman III: Dynamically growing hypertext collections. Hypertext 2004: 171-180
13EEUnmil Karadkar, Richard Furuta, Selen Ustun, YoungJoo Park, Jin-Cheon Na, Vivek Gupta, Tolga Ciftci, Yungah Park: Display-agnostic hypermedia. Hypertext 2004: 58-67
12EEZubin Dalal, Suvendu Dash, Pratik Dave, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Richard Furuta, Unmil Karadkar, Frank M. Shipman III: Managing distributed collections: evaluating web page changes, movement, and replacement. JCDL 2004: 160-168
11EEUnmil Karadkar, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Richard Furuta, Frank M. Shipman III, Avital Arora, Suvendu Dash, Pratik Dave, Emily Luke: Metadocuments supporting digital library information discovery. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 4(1): 25-30 (2004)
10 Unmil Karadkar, Andruid Kerne, Richard Furuta, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Frank M. Shipman III, Jin Wang: Connecting Interface Metaphors to Support Creation of Path-Based Collections. ECDL 2003: 338-349
9EEPratik Dave, Unmil Karadkar, Richard Furuta, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Frank M. Shipman III, Suvendu Dash, Zubin Dalal: Browsing intricately interconnected paths. Hypertext 2003: 95-103
8 Catalina Danis, Alison Lee, Unmil Karadkar: Function of Social Browsing in Integration into a Workplace. INTERACT 2003
7EEUnmil Karadkar, Jin-Cheon Na, Richard Furuta: Employing Smart Browsers to Support Flexible Information Presentation in Petri Net-Based Digital Libraries. ECDL 2002: 324-337
6EEUnmil Karadkar, Jin-Cheon Na, Richard Furuta: A Framework for Flexible Information Presentation in Digital Collections. ICADL 2002: 467-468
5EELuis Francisco-Revilla, Frank M. Shipman III, Richard Furuta, Unmil Karadkar, Avital Arora: Perception of content, structure, and presentation changes in Web-based hypertext. Hypertext 2001: 205-214
4EELuis Francisco-Revilla, Frank M. Shipman III, Richard Furuta, Unmil Karadkar, Avital Arora: Managing change on the web. JCDL 2001: 67-76
3EEUnmil Karadkar, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Richard Furuta, Frank M. Shipman III: Structuring Access to a Dynamic Collection of Digital Documents: The Walden's Paths Vitual Directories. DDEP/PODDP 2000: 91-103
2 Unmil Karadkar, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Richard Furuta, Hao-wei Hsieh, Frank M. Shipman III: Evolution of the Walden's Paths Authoring Tools. WebNet 2000: 299-304
1 Richard Furuta, Frank M. Shipman III, Luis Francisco-Revilla, Hao-wei Hsieh, Unmil Karadkar, Shueh-Cheng Hu: Ephemeral Paths on the WWW: The Walden's Paths Lightweight Path Mechanism. WebNet 1999: 409-414

Coauthor Index

1Avital Arora [4] [5] [11]
2Paul Logasa Bogen II [14] [15] [17] [20] [21]
3Tolga Ciftci [13]
4Lauren Cifuentes [17]
5Zubin Dalal [9] [12]
6Catalina Danis [8]
7Suvendu Dash [9] [11] [12]
8Pratik Dave [9] [11] [12] [14] [15]
9Sarah Davis [17]
10Luis Francisco-Revilla [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [17] [20]
11Richard Furuta [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]
12Vivek Gupta [13]
13Hao-wei Hsieh [1] [2]
14Shueh-Cheng Hu [1]
15Takeisha Hubbard [17] [20]
16Jeevan Joseph John [16]
17Joshua Johnston [21]
18Andruid Kerne [10]
19Alison Lee [8]
20Cody Lee [18] [19]
21Emily Luke [11]
22Jin-Cheon Na [6] [7] [13] [16]
23Marlo Nordt [18] [19]
24YoungJoo Park [13]
25Yungah Park [13]
26Daniel Pogue [17]
27Christopher Quick [18] [19]
28Frank Shipman [21]
29Frank M. Shipman III [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14] [15] [17] [20]
30Selen Ustun [13]
31Jin Wang [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)