
Els van de Kar

Elisabeth van de Kar

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11EEElisabeth van de Kar, Mariëlle den Hengst: Involving users early on in the design process: closing the gap between mobile information services and their users. Electronic Markets 19(1): 31-42 (2009)
10EEEls van de Kar, Sam M. Muniafu, Yan Wang: Mobile services used in unstable environments: design requirements based on three case studies. ICEC 2006: 302-308
9EEYan Wang, Elisabeth van de Kar, Geleyn R. Meijer, Henk G. Sol: Business Engineering with Mobile Workforce Solutions. Int. J. Comput. Syst. Signal 7(2): 42- (2006)
8EESam M. Muniafu, Elisabeth van de Kar, Johann van Rensburg: An environment for e-commerce and ICT enabled logistics services in rural areas of transition countries: the case of South Africa. ICEC 2005: 393-399
7EEYan Wang, Elisabeth van de Kar, Geleyn R. Meijer: Designing mobile solutions for mobile workers: lessons learned from a case study. ICEC 2005: 582-589
6EEYan Wang, Els van de Kar, Geleyn R. Meijer, Martijn Hunteler: Improving Business Processes with Mobile Workforce Solutions. ICMB 2005: 94-102
5EEElisabeth van de Kar, Patrick van der Duin: Dealing with Uncertainties in Building Scenarios for the Development of Mobile Services. HICSS 2004
4EEMariëlle den Hengst, Elisabeth van de Kar, Jaco H. Appelman: Designing Mobile Information Services: User Requirements Elicitation with GSS Design and Application of a Repeatable Process. HICSS 2004
3EEElisabeth van de Kar, Paulien Herder, Arjan Snijders, Wim Dik: Sales-Supporting E-services. HICSS 2004
2EEUta Wehn de Montalvo, Elisabeth van de Kar, Carleen F. Maitland: Resource-based interdependencies in value networks for mobile internet services. ICEC 2004: 627-638
1EEElisabeth van de Kar, Carleen F. Maitland, Uta Wehn de Montalvo, Harry Bouwman: Design guidelines for mobile information and entertainment services: based on the Radio538 ringtunes i-mode service case study. ICEC 2003: 413-421

Coauthor Index

1Jaco H. Appelman [4]
2Harry Bouwman [1]
3Wim Dik [3]
4Patrick van der Duin [5]
5Mariëlle den Hengst [4] [11]
6Paulien Herder [3]
7Martijn Hunteler [6]
8Carleen F. Maitland [1] [2]
9Geleyn R. Meijer [6] [7] [9]
10Uta Wehn de Montalvo [1] [2]
11Sam M. Muniafu [8] [10]
12Johann van Rensburg [8]
13Arjan Snijders [3]
14Henk G. Sol [9]
15Yan Wang [6] [7] [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)