
Stoyan N. Kapralov

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6 Stoyan N. Kapralov, Svetlana Topalova: Enumeration of 2-(21, 6, 3) Designs with Automorphisms of Order 7 or 5. Ars Comb. 48: (1998)
5 Iliya Boukliev, Stoyan N. Kapralov, Tatsuya Maruta, M. Fukui: Optimal linear codes of dimension 4 over F5. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(1): 308-313 (1997)
4 Iliya Boukliev, Rumen N. Daskalov, Stoyan N. Kapralov: Optimal quaternary linear codes of dimension five. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(4): 1228-1235 (1996)
3 Stefan M. Dodunekov, Sylvia B. Encheva, Stoyan N. Kapralov: On the [28, 7, 12] Binary Self-Complementary Codes and Their Residuals. Des. Codes Cryptography 4(1): 57-67 (1994)
2 Rumen N. Daskalov, Stoyan N. Kapralov: New minimum distance bounds for certain binary linear codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(6): 1795- (1992)
1EEStoyan N. Kapralov, Vladimir D. Tonchev: Extremal doubly-even codes of length 64 derived from symmetric designs. Discrete Mathematics 83(2-3): 285-289 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Iliya Boukliev [4] [5]
2Rumen N. Daskalov [2] [4]
3Stefan M. Dodunekov [3]
4Sylvia B. Encheva [3]
5M. Fukui [5]
6Tatsuya Maruta [5]
7Vladimir D. Tonchev [1]
8Svetlana Topalova [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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