
Scott F. Kaplan

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11EETing Yang, Tongping Liu, Emery D. Berger, Scott F. Kaplan, J. Eliot B. Moss: Redline: First Class Support for Interactivity in Commodity Operating Systems. OSDI 2008: 73-86
10EETing Yang, Emery D. Berger, Scott F. Kaplan, J. Eliot B. Moss: CRAMM: Virtual Memory Support for Garbage-Collected Applications. OSDI 2006: 103-116
9EETing Yang, Matthew Hertz, Emery D. Berger, Scott F. Kaplan, J. Eliot B. Moss: Automatic heap sizing: taking real memory into account. ISMM 2004: 61-72
8EEScott F. Kaplan: Complete or fast reference trace collection for simulating multiprogrammed workloads: choose one. SIGMETRICS 2004: 420-421
7EEScott F. Kaplan: Collecting whole-system reference traces of multiprogrammed and multithreaded workloads. WOSP 2004: 228-237
6EEScott F. Kaplan, Yannis Smaragdakis, Paul R. Wilson: Flexible reference trace reduction for VM simulations. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 13(1): 1-38 (2003)
5EEYannis Smaragdakis, Scott F. Kaplan, Paul R. Wilson: The EELRU adaptive replacement algorithm. Perform. Eval. 53(2): 93-123 (2003)
4EEScott F. Kaplan, Lyle A. McGeoch, Megan F. Cole: Adaptive caching for demand prepaging. MSP/ISMM 2002: 221-232
3EEYannis Smaragdakis, Scott F. Kaplan, Paul R. Wilson: EELRU: Simple and Effective Adaptive Page Replacement. SIGMETRICS 1999: 122-133
2EEScott F. Kaplan, Yannis Smaragdakis, Paul R. Wilson: Trace Reduction for Virtual Memory Simulations. SIGMETRICS 1999: 47-58
1EEPaul R. Wilson, Scott F. Kaplan, Yannis Smaragdakis: The Case for Compressed Caching in Virtual Memory Systems. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track 1999: 101-116

Coauthor Index

1Emery D. Berger [9] [10] [11]
2Megan F. Cole [4]
3Matthew Hertz [9]
4Tongping Liu [11]
5Lyle A. McGeoch [4]
6J. Eliot B. Moss [9] [10] [11]
7Yannis Smaragdakis [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
8Paul R. Wilson [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
9Ting Yang [9] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)