
Edward P. C. Kao

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4EEEdward P. C. Kao: Using state reduction for computing steady state vectors in Markov chains ofM/G/1 type. Queueing Syst. 10(1-2): 89-104 (1992)
3EEEdward P. C. Kao: Erratum and comments on computational experience with a stochastic assembly line balancing algorithm : Comput. & Ops Res. 6(2), 79-86, 1979. Computers & OR 8(1): 58 (1981)
2EEEdward P. C. Kao: A multiple objective decision theoretic approach to one-machine scheduling problems. Computers & OR 7(4): 251-259 (1980)
1EEEdward P. C. Kao: Computational experience with a stochastic assembly line balancing algorithm. Computers & OR 6(2): 79-86 (1979)

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