
Youn ah Kang

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4EEJi Soo Yi, Youn ah Kang, John T. Stasko, Julie A. Jacko: Understanding and characterizing insights: how do people gain insights using information visualization? BELIV 2008: 4
3EEYoun ah Kang, John T. Stasko, Kurt Luther, Avinash Ravi, Yan Xu: RevisiTour: Enriching the Tourism Experience With User-Generated Content. ENTER 2008: 59-69
2EEYoun ah Kang, John T. Stasko: Lightweight task/application performance using single versus multiple monitors: a comparative study. Graphics Interface 2008: 17-24
1EEJi Soo Yi, Youn ah Kang, John T. Stasko, Julie A. Jacko: Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Role of Interaction in Information Visualization. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(6): 1224-1231 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Julie A. Jacko [1] [4]
2Kurt Luther [3]
3Avinash Ravi [3]
4John T. Stasko [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Yan Xu [3]
6Ji Soo Yi [1] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)