
Sangki Kang

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5EESangki Kang, Seo Weon Heo, Seong-Joon Baek: An enhanced post-filter for improving the performance of an acoustic echo canceller in mobile application. Signal Processing 88(2): 421-427 (2008)
4EESeong-Joon Baek, Aaron Park, Sangki Kang, Yonggwan Won, Jin Young Kim, Seung You Na: Detection of Basal Cell Carcinoma Based on Gaussian Prototype Fitting of Confocal Raman Spectra. ISNN (2) 2007: 1240-1247
3EEJoon-Hyuk Chang, Dong Seok Jeong, Nam Soo Kim, Sangki Kang: Improved Global Soft Decision Using Smoothed Global Likelihood Ratio for Speech Enhancement. IEICE Transactions 90-B(8): 2186-2189 (2007)
2EESangki Kang, Yongserk Kim: A Dissonant Frequency Filtering for Enhanced Clarity of Husky Voice Signals. TSD 2006: 517-522
1EESangki Kang: Dissonant frequency filtering technique for improving perceptual quality of noisy speech and husky voice. Signal Processing 84(2): 431-433 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Seong-Joon Baek [4] [5]
2Joon-Hyuk Chang [3]
3Seo Weon Heo [5]
4Dong Seok Jeong [3]
5Jin Young Kim [4]
6Nam Soo Kim [3]
7Yongserk Kim [2]
8Seung You Na [4]
9Aaron Park [4]
10Yonggwan Won [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)